

Joe Biden错误说,为参议院南卡罗来纳州成绩单竞选
牧师;博客;成绩单;乔•拜登(Joe Biden)成绩单;文字记录:乔·拜登在南卡罗来纳州的演讲中错误地称自己是“美国参议院”候选人



乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(00:10
你好。你好。你好。你好。你好。你好。很高兴看到,你们都。人们,让我对此做出。了解,如果你在七分钟内没有出来,你会穿过地板吉姆。很高兴见到你。 Mr. Leader, thank you for allowing me to be here. Now look, let me begin by saying, I’ve been saying for a long time, it’s not enough to beat Donald Trump. We have to keep the House of Representatives and we have to win back the Senate. And Jaime Harrison is going to win back the United States Senate here in the state of South Carolina. And I got to tell you, Jaime, I’m going to … I’ll come campaign for you or against you, whichever will help you the most, man, because this is an important race. And folks, look, it will sadden me badly that Lindsey Graham will be a former Senator.

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(01:09
上帝保佑我,神父,我有罪。不管怎样,看。吉姆,谢谢你。你是我们很久很久的朋友了。你是一个真正的领导者。你领导了整个议院。你继续领导众议院。你是这个国家和南卡罗来纳最伟大的领袖之一。一提到南卡罗来纳,我就会想到两件事。我想到弗里茨·霍林斯,想到吉姆·克莱伯恩。 They’re the two people I think of. And yesterday, a reporter asked me, “Have I been speaking to Jim Clyburn?” I said, “Yeah, every day for the past eight years I’ve speaking to Jim Clyburn about housing policy, about criminal justice, about economic opportunity, about the whole deal.”

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(01:53
吉姆,你是这个国家的资源,我不认为……有时在你自己的州,人们没有意识到你在其他州有多受尊敬。这里的人喜欢你,但我想让你知道特拉华州的人也喜欢你。全国人民都爱你,伙计。我是认真的。你是货真价实的。我觉得这位前参议员,我能听到那个熟悉的声音,你明白我的意思吗?刚才说了…嗯,有一件事他说对了。南卡罗来纳州将决定谁将成为下一任美国总统。你真的是。是你们把比尔·克林顿送上了总统宝座。 You’re the ones who sent Barack Obama to the presidency. And I have a simple proposition here. I’m here to ask you for your help.

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(02:39
在我来的地方,你不开口,是走不了多远的。我叫乔·拜登。我是美国参议院的民主党候选人。看我。如果你喜欢你看到的,那就帮忙。如果不是,那就投票给另一个人。不过给我看看。好吧?这就是我想对你说的。我还剩2分30秒。 I’m looking at the clock down here. And look folks, I just want to conclude by saying one thing. We have an enormous opportunity not only to take this country back, but to move in the direction it hasn’t been moved in a long time. We’re not just going back. Everybody says you just want to be Barack’s third term. I was incredibly proud to serve with Barack Obama, incredibly proud to be his friend and incredibly proud to have his back the entire time. But this is more than just going back. This is about moving forward. We have an opportunity to change this country.

