Jun 14, 2022

‘Strawberry moon’ to illuminate skies on Tuesday Transcript

'Strawberry moon' to illuminate skies on Tuesday Transcript
RevBlogTranscriptsNASA‘Strawberry moon’ to illuminate skies on Tuesday Transcript

According to NASA, a supermoon nicknamed the “Strawberry Moon” will brighten up the sky on Tuesday. Read the transcript here.

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Speaker 1: (00:00)
Be sure to look up in the sky tonight and tomorrow. The June full moon is a super moon, nicknamed the strawberry moon, and it’s already lighting up the night sky.

Speaker 1: (00:08)
You’ll have to wait until sunset Wednesday to see it. And it will not be strawberry red. The name comes from indigenous groups in the northeast who saw this moon as a sign strawberries were ripe and ready to pick. That’s going to be exciting.

Speaker 2: (00:20)
Yeah, it’s going to be pretty nice. We should get a good view of it. It’s called the super moon because the moon is closest to earth in the moon’s orbit right now.

Speaker 1: (00:29)

Speaker 2: (00:29)
So it’ll appear about 14% bigger than it usually does.

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