May 26, 2022


修订版Blog成绩单2022 Primary Elections宾夕法尼亚州共和党参议院初选,前往5/25/22成绩单

The margin between Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick in last week’s Republican primary for U.S. Senate is tight enough to trigger a statewide recount. Read the transcript here.


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ukee :(00:04
宾夕法尼亚州的主要投票数量有重大发展。代理国务卿已下令在共和党参加美国参议院的竞选中进行叙述。最新数字显示,穆罕默德·奥兹(Mehmet Oz)以超过900票的优势领先戴夫·麦考密克(Dave McCormick),但仍有10,000多张临时选票要计算。目击者新闻记者艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts)现在从费城东北部的大选仓库加入我们,在那里他们对今天的另一种投票做出了关键裁决。艾丽西亚。

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(00:34
Ukee, good afternoon. It all comes down to the numbers. Just 902 votes separate the top two candidates. Today we learned there are at least 860 Republican mail-in undated ballots that the counties can decide whether or not to include in their final election results. Bucks County will include 45 in theirs, and as of this morning, Philadelphia will count more than 100 votes in their final result.

利·查普曼(Leigh Chapman):(01:03
902年的区别这两个candidat投票es is within the one half of 1% margin that triggers a mandatory recount under state law.

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(01:14
Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate race is heading to a recount. And by the numbers it’s still too close to call. With just 902 votes separating Mehmet Oz and David McCormick, 860 undated republican ballots reported in 65 of 67 counties matter, along with 10,000 provisional and absentee ballots still left to count.

利·查普曼(Leigh Chapman):(01:39

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(01:44
Undated ballots have been a legal point of contention that for now are left up to the counties to decide. Wednesday morning, Philadelphia County voted to include theirs, the first time since the 2020 general election.

丽莎·德利(Lisa Deeley):(01:57

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(02:02

丽莎·德利(Lisa Deeley):(02:05

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(02:07
Philadelphia’s return board did not approve counting 196 naked mail-in ballots, those mailed in without a security envelope, something Philadelphia’s election chair wants to see changed.

丽莎·德利(Lisa Deeley):(02:20
There’s no reason for them not to be counted.

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(02:22

丽莎·德利(Lisa Deeley):(02:23
There’s no question that we got that ballot back in time. There is no question that the voter is a qualified elector.

艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts):(02:33
这是宾夕法尼亚州历史上的第七次,已经下令进行重新计算,但从未改变过选举的结果。说到这一切时,这将使纳税人花费100万美元,我们预计将在6月8日(从今天开始的两周)获得这些结果。我们住在东北。艾丽西亚·罗伯茨(Alicia Roberts),CBS 3,目击者新闻。

ukee :(02:54
Alicia, thank you.


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