Jul 13, 2020

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Post-Match Press Conference Manchester United vs. Southampton July 13

Post Match Press Conference Manchester United Southampton | Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
RevBlogTranscriptsOle Gunnar Solskjaer Post-Match Press Conference Manchester United vs. Southampton July 13

On July 13, Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer gave a post-match press conference after a 2-2 tie between Manchester United & Southampton. Read the full transcript here.

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Speaker 1: (00:00)
… I imagine there must be an element of frustration there, but kind of flipping that, is that the job your players might need to get them over the line after the next three games?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (00:08)
Well, we’ve been on a great run and it’s not going to be like turn up and be given three points. They’re going to be tough games, all the next three as well. We didn’t expect anything else, but what we got here today from Southampton, we knew they were going to be positive. They were going to go for it. It was a good game of football, but unfortunately ended with a conceded goal at the end for us.

Speaker 3: (00:47)
Simon [inaudible 00:00:47]

Simon: (00:53)
Sorry, Ole. You’ve got five substitutes now, but you could only make four because you only can bring players on at three points. But do you think you should be allowed to bring on someone for a head injury? We do a lot on head injuries now, but you don’t get a free sub for a head injury.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (01:13)
Yeah, no. I don’t know if you want to look into those rules. Obviously, it was about cut, so he couldn’t see out of his eye. He stopped the game when the Southampton center back got a calf injury. I didn’t understand that one in early second half. But I don’t know. It is what it is. We didn’t have too many minutes to see it out with 10 men, so we should have done better.

Simon: (01:41)
Thank you.

Speaker 3: (01:49)
Okay. [inaudible 00:01:49]

Speaker 5: (01:49)
Hi, Ole.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (01:49)

Speaker 5: (01:56)
Your team didn’t have as much control of the ball as they done in this recent month. What do you put that down to? Southampton’s pressing or your own players butchering things at times?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (02:01)
It’s the team that you play against. They didn’t give us any respite. No, absolutely. We knew before the game that we were not going to get to a lot of time on the ball. It’s risk and reward. Of course, we lost the ball on the first one and we never got the rhythm really to play. But when we did, because you have to earn the right, and when we did, we scored some fantastic goals.

Speaker 3: (02:28)
Michael Grant [inaudible 00:02:31].

Michael Grant: (02:32)
Hi, Ole.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (02:32)

Michael Grant: (02:33)
[inaudible 00:02:33] to tell you that he thought that your ankle wouldn’t have taken that [crosstalk 00:02:35]

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (02:34)

Michael Grant: (02:34)
Do you fear for Mason at the time that it could have been a bad one? Really, I mean, having looked at, do you think it would be a red really?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (02:50)
Well, I can just say the same as I said, my uncle would be gone and I’d be out for a month, but he’s got strong ankles. That, it’s to the referees to make decisions. I don’t think anyone would be surprised if there would have been a different outcome. I mentioned it to the fourth official, to be fair, just subtly.

Speaker 3: (03:11)
James Reynolds. [inaudible 00:03:14].

James Reynolds: (03:15)
Hi, Ole.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (03:17)

James Reynolds: (03:17)
We’ve seen in the past when this team’s had setbacks that it has affected them beyond just that result. What makes you so, presumably with this team now, you’re confident that won’t be the case. Could I also just ask about Luke Shaw’s injury?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (03:32)
Sorry? And ask about?

James Reynolds: (03:34)
Also, Luke Shaw’s injury.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (03:37)
Okay. Well, I have to say the mentality of the boys, it’s been brilliant. We’ve had a few setbacks over the season, of course. This is another challenge for us. I’m very confident in the mentality of them. Very disappointed, of course, but you have to take the disappointment as well as the positives when you win games. The disappointment, of course, one of the last kicks of the ball, you can see the goal and you lose two points, that’s just part of football. We’ve learned a hard lesson today, hopefully. We’ll make it right. We’ll put it right. The boys, I trust them in that respect.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (04:21)
With Luke, he twisted his ankle. Hopefully, we can have some good news on him after we’ve done a scan.

Speaker 3: (04:30)
Simon [inaudible 00:04:32].

Simon: (04:30)
Ole …

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (04:30)

Simon: (04:34)
You said about lessons being learned and after the games you were winning by big scorelines, you said you wanted your players to be more clinical. Do you think that’s what ultimately cost your side today?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (04:46)
Well, we created some good chances, good opportunities. Of course, we could have done better with them. But then again, when you look at the goals we scored, they were brilliant. We did play some magnificent football at times. When we got the rhythm, when we got the tempo and the movement, it was brilliant to watch. It was a good game, end to end, two maybe different styles, but also two teams that are progressive and wanted to win the game.

Speaker 3: (05:26)
Any further questions, Manuel? Okay, [inaudible 00:05:17].

Speaker 8: (05:31)
Ole, I think that’s now six times [inaudible 00:05:32] that Chelsea have dropped points and then you have been unable to win the game. Is that a mental block? Is that something that’s been on the players’ mind possibly, especially because they could have gone third tonight?

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer: (05:35)
Absolutely not. I don’t think any of our players have been thinking about, “Oh, what have Chelsea done this weekend?” Not at all. It’s just the way the games go. We all play against the same teams and we all have a 38 games to go through. It’ll even itself out during the long season and you’ll deserve the position you get in the end.

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