Sep 7, 2023

McConnell Says He Will Finish Term After Public Concern Over Two Freezing Episodes Transcript

McConnell Says He Will Finish Term After Public Concern Over Two Freezing Episodes Transcript
RevBlogTranscriptsMitch McConnellMcConnell Says He Will Finish Term After Public Concern Over Two Freezing Episodes Transcript

After two freezing episodes in less than two months, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell insists there is no reason to step down, saying he is going to finish his term as leader. Read the transcript here.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

The Senate’s top Republican Mitch McConnell addressed questions about his health today, playing down concerns over transparency, including from a few members of his own party, saying he plans to complete his term. Ryan Nobles has the story.

Ryan Nobles (00:15):

Tonight after two freezing episodes in less than two months.

Speaker 3 (00:19):

All right, I’m sorry, you all, we’re going to need a minute.

Ryan Nobles (00:20):

Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, insisting there’s no reason for him to step down.


I’m going to finish my term as leader and I’m going to finish my Senate term.

Ryan Nobles (00:29):

Pressed about his health, the 81-year-old saying his doctor’s report said everything.


What Dr. Monahan’s report addressed was concerns people might have, if some things that happened to me did happen. Well, they didn’t. I think he pretty well covered the subject.

Ryan Nobles (00:46):

The Capitol attending physician examined McConnell, writing quote, “There’s no evidence that you have a seizure disorder or that you’ve experienced a stroke, TIA or movement disorder such as Parkinson’s disease.”

Speaker 5 (00:59):

How are you feeling?

Ryan Nobles (01:00):

The doctor attributed the spells to dehydration and a concussion McConnell suffered back in March when he fell and also fractured a rib. Tonight, most Senate Republicans are satisfied.

Thom Tillis (01:11):

我认为他的健康状况是良好的its leadership is as good as it’s been in the eight and a half years I’ve been here.

Ryan Nobles (01:16):

But not all Republicans are on board, including McConnell’s Kentucky colleague Rand Paul, who’s an ophthalmologist.

Rand Paul (01:22):

Well, I practiced medicine for 25 years and it doesn’t look like dehydration to me. It looks like a focal neurologic event.

Ryan Nobles (01:28):

Paul’s saying he’s not questioning McConnell’s ability to handle his job. Age now a major political issue. Some Democrats have called on 90-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign, and voters also have concerns about 80-year-old President Biden. A recent poll finding 77% of Americans, including 69% of Democrats think the President is too old to serve another term.

Speaker 8 (01:51):

And in a closed door lunch with his fellow Republicans, McConnell talked about his health but took no questions. His caucus remains behind him as their leader.

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