
>博客>成绩单>经典演讲成绩单 - 1990年的>格拉汉姆·克林顿弹劾语音成绩单





当你决定行为过程符合高标准的犯罪在我们宪法为总统,我们在做什么的总统?I think we’re putting a burden on the presidency and you should consider it that way, that if you determine that the conduct and the crimes in this case are high crimes, you need to do so knowing that you’re placing a burden on every future occupant of that office and the office itself. So do so cautiously, because one branch of the government should never put a burden on another branch of the government that’s not fair and they can’t bear.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, if you decided from the conduct of this president that henceforth any office holder who occupies the office of president will have this burden to bear, let me tell you what it is: Don’t lie under oath to a federal grand jury when many in the country are begging you not to. Can the occupant bear that burden?

我投票反对第二条在众议院,这是沉积,伪证指控反对总统独自站立。I think many of us may have thought that he didn’t know about the tapes, that he and Miss Lewinsky thought they had a story that was going to work and he got caught off guard and he started telling a bunch of lies that maybe I would have lied about. Maybe you would have lied about, because it is personal to have to talk about intimate things, and our human nature is to protect ourselves, our family, that’s just human nature. But ladies and gentlemen, what he stands charged of in the Senate happened eight months later, after some members of this body said, “Mr. President square yourself with the law, Mr. President, if you go into that federal grand jury and you lie again, you’re risking your presidency.”

