





非常感谢,你好,基诺莎。很高兴回来。很高兴回来。我们跟你聊了一会儿,聊了聊法律和秩序。我们给基诺沙带来了法律和秩序。对吧?这就是我们想要的。你好,威斯康辛州。大日子,明天,大日子,大日子,大日子。我认为我们会在威斯康辛州取得不错的成绩,就像四年前一样。 And it’s an honor to be with you. Thank you.











有什么问题吗?这是怎么回事?情况好转了吗?他们应该付钱给这些人,对吧?不。这是更好的吗?来吧。好的。我们将这样做。我们得即兴发挥,你知道吗? Sometimes you have to improvise. Okay. You ready? Which is better, this one or this one? Which one? This one. Is that better? Can you hear? This could be a very uncomfortable evening for me. All right. We’ll figure this out. Come on. Let’s go. Good job fellers. I’m always saying I want a perfect mic. Good job. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Is that better now?


所以这是我第一次用头部支撑一个小时,两个小时,三个小时。不,今晚还有一个。之后是大急流城。我们在大急流城结束了我们四年前在那里结束了,有点迷信。我们用同样的方法做。我们来到这里。我们来到了大急流城。让我们继续。我希望大家现在都能听到我说的话。是吗? Yeah? All the way back there. All the way back. Good. You let me know. You’re not shy. I was wondering. Everyone’s going, I thought they didn’t like me, I was saying. I’m not sure. I said, “What’s going on over here?” Right? Good. Thank you very much.


你不会想要乔·拜登。你知道,看看媒体。看看后面那些媒体。如果他们必须为他做两个月的掩护,他们会说,“我们必须把总统带回来。我们必须让特朗普回来。”他们将会破产。他们将会破产。如果拜登、哈里斯和激进左派掌权,他们会让我们的经济崩溃,让你们的国家,这个美好的国家陷入萧条。这是我见过唯一一个一边跑一边说"我们会的"的人,他不会这么说。他说:“我们会的。” “We will raise your taxes.” I never heard that before. You know, I’ve covered politicians. I’ve been friends with politicians. I’ve been enemies also, but I’ve never seen somebody saying we will raise your taxes. They want to give you the largest tax increase in the history of our country, and we can’t let that happen. We can’t let that happen.

所以走出去投票吧。我认为,明天将是我们国家历史上最重要的选举,我从没想过我会这么说。我从没想过我会这么说。所以走出去投票吧。昏昏欲睡的拜登会给你们加4万亿美元的税,大幅增加你们的监管,关闭你们的农场,关闭你们的工厂……他做得怎么样?把你的工作送到海外,他们开始嘘他。我不知道。这家伙真的在想,我是说,他真的能赢吗?我们是认真的吗?这到底是怎么回事? Is he serious? Guy has no clue. He’s shot. Some people are shot. He’s shot. Did you see him today with the aviators, right, the glasses, right? Came on very tough. He’s very agitated. You know, it’s like sort of like going crazy. Destroy the suburbs, dissolve your borders, terminate religious liberty, outlaw private healthcare, confiscate your guns. Second amendment is in deep trouble. Not with me it’s not. You notice it hasn’t been touched. Right? It hasn’t been touched. You think that was easy? It wasn’t easy. And indoctrinate your children with anti-American lies.




我不知道。我觉得这个麦克风没问题,对吧?我不想给他压力。你在舞台上。有27000人在看。不要紧张。哦,他不紧张。他是一个专业。我会告诉你他公司的名字。永远不要使用那家公司。 No, he’s fine. Don’t worry about it. This is okay. This isn’t. Oh, you want to just put it in there? Well, is it the same mic as the other one? It’s a different mic. That means that one’s supposed to be better, right? That’s not good. All right. Okay. We’ll take that sucker out of there. Right? Congratulations. Go ahead. Do you want to put it in? How’s he doing? He’s doing a good job, right? Come on.


[听不清00:12:08]现在我们又回到了起点。看到了吗?整个交易。我们又回到了原点。我把麦克风拿出来。好的。好的。你知道吗?然后我就不会为制作这种疯狂麦克风的公司买单了。他们会做一个报道,“特朗普是个可怕的人。 He doesn’t pay bills.” No, I don’t like to pay bills when people do a bad job. You don’t either. But I don’t know. They look like nice people. They come from Kenosha. So I’m going to pay the bill anyway. What the hell? You know? Well, at least I proved one thing. You know, did you ever see where I lift the glass of water and I wear the red tie. They’re sort of expensive. And you know, you don’t like to spill water on the red tie. Right? So sometimes I’ll use two hands because I want to catch the water, because I want to save the time because I’m basically cheap, you know? So I’ll take the water and I’ll go like this, and I’ll take a little sip and they’ll say, “There’s something wrong with him.” No, I’m trying to save.


拜登曾大力支持北美自由贸易协定和中国加入世界贸易组织。把它。背叛事件后,你失去了一半的制造业工作。这些都是很多人的背叛,拜登就是其中之一。他是个腐败的政客,把威斯康辛州卖给了中国。但他是一个腐败的政客,这些人从来没有告诉过你,他们不想写这些,大型科技公司不想谈论这些,这是禁区,他们不允许谈论,我们有压制。我们有抑制。这是一种前所未有的媒体压制。如果你仔细看,你会发现你从未见过这样的东西…对吧? But no, nobody’s ever seen anything like it.

你知道,他的儿子走进来。他的儿子没有工作。他离开了军队。不幸的是,情况并不好。然后,父亲成为了副总统,而这个孩子就像一个人体吸尘器。他跟随父亲去了一些国家。“爸爸,你今天要去找谁?”“好吧,我们去中国吧。”他是一个真空吸尘器。跟随父亲,收钱。对吧? It’s terrible. They give him one and a half billion dollars, one and a half billion. Think of it, one and a half billion dollars, and he gets fees off that, millions of dollars a year. There’s only one problem. He has no experience investing money. They give him the money. They gave him the money after 10 minutes. I think our Congress has to take a look at that. What do you think, fellas? I think you’re going to have to look at it.

你能想象吗?今晚我的很多孩子都来了。你能想象如果我的孩子说:“是的,爸爸,我从中国得到了15亿美元。”我觉得他们不会想写那些假新闻的。你觉得他们会写吗?然后他从莫斯科市长的妻子那里得到了350万美元。对吧?他为什么买那个?还记得我在第一场辩论中问过这个问题吗,我说过。克里斯·华莱士认为这是个不恰当的问题。 Really? I think. You think? Chris Wallace. No, I must tell you. I think Kristen did a better job, Kristen Welker. Right? And I don’t mean she was perfect. Actually, some people said she wasn’t really very nice. I thought she was nice. Relatively speaking, she was great for what I got.



当暴徒来到基诺沙时,拜登反对派遣国民警卫队。你当然记得这个,对吧?他不想派守卫进去。他认为派卫兵进去太可怕了。我们派了守卫去救了基诺莎。我们救了出赛。我说:“你知道,我觉得基诺莎会喜欢我的。”我们做得很好。我希望他们能早点送来。对吧? If we had them in a little bit earlier, but that’s okay. That’s okay. But we sent in and how good did the Guard do though? Did we do the job? Did they do the job?

拜登和卡玛拉,有人知道卡玛拉是谁吗?这个很棒的女人,她想成为你们的第一位女总统。我不这么想。我不这么想。你知道吗,这也是不给昏昏欲睡的乔投票的好理由。对吧?你不会想这么做的。我们都希望这一天能到来,但我们不希望这一天到来。正确的。但他们在向我们的警察发动战争。 You know that. We have a lot of police here tonight. I recognize it because I went and I met all of the police. I met a lot of great police, federal police. I’ve met the whole group and you have great police.


我同意这一点。但我与执法英雄们站在一起我很荣幸得到基诺沙县警长大卫·贝丝的支持。谢谢你,大卫,不管你在哪里。大卫在哪里?谢谢你,大卫。真是太好了。真是太好了。他们喜欢你,大卫。这是很好的。欣赏它,大卫。 Thank you very much. And as I’m sure you’ve heard, Biden’s far left supporters are threatening to loot and riot tomorrow if they don’t get their way, if they don’t get their way. Are we-

如果他们不能如愿以偿,如果他们不能如愿以偿大卫,我们都准备好了吗?每个人都准备好了吗?如果他们知道我们准备好了如果他们知道我们没耍花招,他们就不会来了。他们不会出现的。当我看到他们在全国各地,推倒雕像和纪念碑时,就好像我把一条古老的法律带入了现实。我们签署了,我们把它带来,我签署了它,更新了它,签署了它,如果你撞倒了雕像或纪念碑,你将被判10年监禁。你再也看不到它了。他们看着,然后说,“哦,我们想把那个推倒,但你知道吗,亲爱的,10年太久了。让我们走了。” This is yet more evidence why the radical left cannot be trusted with power. We strongly condemn political violence. We condemn it and we condemn it strongly.

拜登必须告诉他的支持者。他没有真正的支持者,让我们面对现实吧。他没有支持者。他们被击中。他没有。有一种意识形态有支持者,而他只是一个载体。他恰好是那个通过的人,因为伊丽莎白·沃伦没有像她应该做的那样退出,让伯尼接受。伯尼,我得告诉你,他是个大输家。他确实是。他输了。 It happened with Hillary and it had happened with Elizabeth Warren. What she did was incredible. That’s a similar philosophy. But Biden ended up being there. Biden ended up being there and that’s the way it is, and he has to tell his supporters. And I think you’re going to see something. Look at the people over here. They go, “Oh, hello.” Can you actually hear this? Can you hear this?

因为这是我这辈子用过的最烂的麦克风。你能听到我说话吗?他们可以。后面的同学,后面的同学。这很好。谢谢你!我真不敢相信。我听起来很糟糕。听起来不太好,对吧?对我来说,这听起来不太好。 It’s all right. Good. You know what? Keep saying it. That Bill, he says, “Don’t pay him. Don’t pay him.” Did you hear that, Johnny? Don’t pay the damn bill, would you please? A piece of garbage they gave me. It’s not even the first rate mic. The good one, it’s put to rest. We put it the rest. The good one, we put the rest. All right, don’t pay him. But as President, I will ensure peace and order in this country. We are going to have peace and order. And you’re going to have a day tomorrow the likes of which I think people haven’t seen in a long time, a long time. You’re going to have a red way. It’s going to be a beautiful sight.

你知道吗?我们的国家不属于激进组织,这确实是一个激进组织,但我们的国家非常团结。当你看到这样的一群人,这是不可思议的。我从这里出发,我告诉过你,大急流城。他们说大急流城有四五万人。昨晚在佛罗里达,我们有45000人。没有问题。每个人的恋爱。每个人都爱我们的国家。这是一件美好的事情。 I’m telling you, there’s a lot of unity. We just don’t complain. We don’t complain, we just go out and do what we have to do. But you know, when we were having that incredible run, we were doing the best, and now we’re almost at that same point, and we’ll be there soon. But our country was uniting. We were getting calls. We had the best employment numbers ever African American, Asian American, Hispanic American. And we were getting calls like, “Maybe it’s time we get together.:

因为成功使人们团结在一起。成功让人们团结在一起,你将会看到这种情况的发生,因为我们拥有了前所未有的数字。想想看,33.1%。没有人有过这样的经历。最高的一次发生在1952年,当时的数字还不到当时的一半。因此,暴乱,抢劫和纵火将被依法起诉。我现在就告诉你。我现在告诉你,如果人们,我讨厌看到他们在窗户上挂木板,这不应该是那样,不应该是那样,但我们是一个法治国家。我们必须这样做。我们是来旅游的。 And do you notice, I hate to say it, but it’s true, these are Democrat mayors and governors, there are Democrat run cities and states. They’re the ones, if you look at New York and Chicago, and how about Portland, which is anarchists? We could solve that problem.

我们告诉州长,“你想让我们解决问题?我们只用了30分钟就解决了。”我们在西雅图解决了这个问题。我们进去了,我们打算在早上进去,我们宣布要在早上进去,他们只是在前一天晚上举手离开了。我们在明尼阿波利斯市做得很好。我们做得很好。我们将赢得明尼苏达,有两个原因。我们做得很好。现在,他们可以打电话了。他们本可以让我们提前一周半做的。 That would have been nice, so that the announcer, remember the anchor, you looked over, he says, “This is a peaceful protest.”


谢谢你!多么棒的团队,多么棒的团队。一群什么。我已经很了解这个州了。你惊讶。是你让我们成功的,你知道的,对吧?还记得吗?我们在等宾夕法尼亚,四年前,我们在等宾夕法尼亚。他们不想叫它。这些人都快疯了。 They were crying. They didn’t know what the hell was happening. They said, “This will be a very short evening for Donald Trump.” Four years ago, right? And they were just, oh, they were looking forward. Remember the woman crying in the convention center, that beautiful? Remember the woman, she was going crazy, glasses, her head’s going? I wonder where she is right now. They put her away. No, no. This was not a person that I was easily going to convince to be on my side I think. She was going crazy. But remember at the beginning, they show everyone’s happy, everyone’s thrilled? They spent a fortune.

那是我所见过的最美丽的舞台之一。他们把它做成了美国的形状。你好,贝卡。你还好吗?但那是一个可怕的夜晚。今晚将是,我告诉你,明天,它将是,我不能说更大。曾经有这么大的东西吗?我要告诉你,选举更重要,但今晚也会一样好,甚至几乎一样好。这也没关系。但这是第一次,对吧? That was a first. That was some evening. That was some evening. “He won Florida. He won Ohio. He won it all.”




非常感谢。非常感谢。非常感谢。因为麦克风的关系,我们将退还你一半的入场费。但考虑到你什么都没付,抱歉,你什么都拿不到。价格合适。不,它很好。但他们不是说,夜晚开始时,他们会说,“这将是非常快的。”你知道发生了什么吗?他们做了出口民调,很多人说,“不关你的事。“哦,你投给谁了?”“不关你的事。” That meant Trump. And they did 44%. You know that, 44% of the people said none of your business? And that meant Trump. They call it the none of your business vote. But almost all of them, I think maybe all of them, were Trump so they didn’t count him. So they said, “Oh, this is going to be a blowout tonight.” But they didn’t realize.

这些民调专家一直对我不太满意,我们搞砸了。这是难以置信的。首先是俄亥俄州。还记得吗?顺便说一句,我们明天在俄亥俄州也会取得好成绩。的好地方。川普赢得了俄亥俄州。那是个大州。”在我们做这件事的时候,我听了一年,“除非你赢得俄亥俄州,否则你赢不了。”他们每天晚上都这样做。 And then all of a sudden poll numbers started coming out that I was leading in Ohio. But anyway, they thought I was going to win by one point. I won by eight. They said, “He won Ohio. He won by eight points. What the hell is going on here? That’s a lot.” And then they said, “Oh no. Oh no, please don’t tell me this. Donald Trump has won the state of Florida. No, no, no, no. Please, please, please, please.” Remember Martha Raddatz, ABC? “Oh my God. Oh please. Please don’t tell me this. Oh no, I’m a neutral. I’m very neutral. I don’t do it. Please.”

玛莎,你中性的吗?请,快把眼泪擦干。不。然后我们赢得了佛罗里达。然后我们赢得了乔治亚州。然后我们赢得了南卡罗来纳州。然后我们赢了防火墙,还记得北卡罗来纳吗?这是他们的防火墙。我们要赢得北卡罗莱纳州。他们在北卡罗来纳投了很多钱,但我们在北卡罗来纳有个线人叫劳拉。 Lara, Lara Trump, married to married to the legendary Eric Trump. Where are you? Are you two there? We had a big asset there, Lara Trump. And she knew that area so well and they loved her so much. They loved her so much. And they just had another baby and they named the baby Carolina. They named the baby Carolina. And I tell you though, but I said, “We have to give South Carolina some credit too for that.”


养育孩子。上来吧。在这里。来吧。养育孩子。养育孩子。太好了。加油,加油,劳拉。这一位,北卡罗莱纳,南卡罗莱纳,宾夕法尼亚的人们都很喜欢她。威斯康星州的人也很喜欢她。 Here you go.

哦,我的上帝。很明显,我现在受够了。威斯康辛州,谁准备好再待四年了?投票给唐纳德·特朗普就是投票给自由。投票给唐纳德·特朗普就是投票给未来。投票给川普就是投票给上帝。投票给唐纳德·特朗普就是投票给美国。你们感觉如何?我们能赢得威斯康辛州吗?我们再来一次。 Thank you.

伟大的工作。非常感谢。谢谢你,亲爱的。谢谢你,埃里克。谢谢你,甜心。他们做得很好。我告诉你,他们工作很努力。他们都在努力工作。他们都在努力工作。我们有一大群家人。 This is like a family reunion tonight. Well, this is now the big time, because tomorrow’s the big day and we have one more stop. Actually, I did five today, but I could say I did six, because in Miami we finished at close to two o’clock in the morning. So let’s add that sixth today after Grand Rapids. Joe Biden is bought and paid for by big tech, big media, and powerful special interests. You know that. They own him, they control him, and they know he will always do their bidding. And when he raises $300 million for this campaign in a short period of time ask him, what deals did you have to make? Because I would be the greatest fundraiser of all time. I can call the Wall Street guys, I know them all I could say, ” Send me $25 million immediately, please.” “Yes, sir, Mr. President. I will.”

但一旦你这样做了,你就完全妥协了。一旦你这样做了,你就什么都做不好了。我说,“我不想那样做。”我们在筹款方面做得很好,但很多都是小额捐款。共和党人第一次用小额捐款筹集了大笔资金。平均61美元左右。美国生活中的每一股腐败势力都背叛了你,伤害了你,他们都得到了乔·拜登的支持。失败的建制派发动了灾难性的对外战争,他们得到了Sleepy Joe Biden的支持。那些把你们的产业转移到海外的职业政客。你们在海上有很多,摧毁了你们的工厂,他们支持乔·拜登。 The open borders lobbyists, all the people that killed our fellow citizens with illegal drugs, gangs, and crime, and you know a lot about that, they support Joe Biden. The anti-American radicals defaming our noble history, heritage, and heroes, they support Joe Biden. That’s cancel culture. We don’t believe in cancel culture, do we?

反政府武装、暴徒、抢劫者、马克思主义者和左翼极端分子,他们都支持乔·拜登。这次选举归结为一个简单的选择,你是想被腐败和自私的政治阶层统治,还是想被美国人民统治?这就是它的意义所在。而是美国人民。他们把这些都拿走了。他们把它拿走了,大型科技公司和媒体正在发生的事情,没有人见过这样的事情。从来没有过这样的事情。没有人见过这样的事情,如果没有相关报道,就不会有丑闻。非常[听不清00:34:08]。投票给拜登就是投票把政府的控制权交给全球主义者、共产主义者、社会主义者和富有的自由主义伪君子,这些伪君子想要让你沉默、审查、取消和惩罚你。 These are real, real trouble.





谢谢你!记住我四年前说过的话,我是你们的声音,我们将一起让美国再次伟大。这就是我们正在做的。这就是我们所做的。在过去的四年里,堕落的沼泽想尽一切办法阻止我。你能想象如果他们没有恶作剧会怎样吗。俄罗斯的骗局?俄罗斯,俄罗斯,俄罗斯。希夫那天起床的时候怎么样,该死的笔记本电脑,对吧?猎人在哪儿? Where’s Hunter? Is Hunter here? Where’s Hunter? Oh, he’s in a country. I see, his father just left the country. He’s going to scam them for a couple of bucks. Where is Hunter? No, but he’s got the laptop from hell and Schiff got up with the watermelon head, like I want a watermelon, and he goes, “This was produced by Russia.” These people are crazy, I tell you. Ay yi yi, what a crazy bunch. But they know I don’t answer to them, I answer to you. It’s true.

听着,我不需要这个。我不需要这个。我有一个非常好的生活。我的生活很美好,但你知道吗?这是我做过的最伟大的事情,因为在前三年半的时间里,没有任何一届政府,没有任何一位总统,有史以来最大的减税,最大的监管削减,重建我们的军队,看看我们所做的,看看我们所做的。我们的老兵刚刚给出了91%的支持率。历史上最高的,历史上最高的。不,看看我们都做了什么。太空部队,我从没提过太空部队。我从来不说。 I realized we needed it after I was in office. I looked, I saw. I saw a rush. I saw China. I said, “We need Space Force.” First time in 74 years, new one, right? A new one, right, Congressman? We did a great job on it. Together we will defeat the corrupt establishment, we will dethrone the failed political class, we will drain the Washington swamp, and we will save the American dream, a dream for your children, your grandchildren, a dream for your children and your grandchildren.




还有昏昏欲睡的乔·拜登,还有其他很多人,比如科米等等,还有很多人,但他们都是其中的一部分。现在我们看看会发生什么,对吧?我们来看看,我们来看看会发生什么。所以,你必须走出去投票,这是最重要的事情,走出去投票。顺便问一下,谁已经投票了?好吧,这不是,但我们倾向于在选举日投票,共和党人。我来问你,谁打算明天投票?非常重要,非常重要。有人打算投票给昏昏欲睡的拜登吗,请举手?有人有勇气吗? Raise your hand. No, all right, yeah, get out and vote. Well, that’s good, that’s a lot of people. So a lot of you vote a little bit early then? Do you trust the ballot system? Do you do early voting or do you do the ballot? Early, I like early better, early as good. Early is good, ballot is not good. We got a very horrible, horrible ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States, a ruling that puts our country in danger, actually. On Pennsylvania, they have so much time to do this thing. Oh, let them put their votes in and give them plenty of time. We have a date, it’s called November 3rd. We don’t have a date that says, many days later. We don’t have a date that says you’re allowed to go and start putting your vote in later. And we can tabulate it later, take your time. The whole world is waiting to find out and there’s great danger in that, number one, there’s danger that there’s a lot of shenanigans that go on from that time forth. There’s a lot of shenanigans. And then there’s a lot of bad things that can happen with the streets. I mean, you’re going to have a population that’s going to be very, very angry, and you just can’t do that. That is such a dangerous decision. That is such a disappointment when I heard that decision. That’s a terrible decision, just you go take a look at it. And I know you people are taking a look at it, but there’s not a decision that I’ve ever heard of like that.

如果你想投票,你可以提前三到四周投票。他说,你有一整年的时间,你有很多时间。你有很多时间。所以他们说,“哦,这太可怕了。”他们给他们额外的时间,然后一直给他们时间。所以现在我们都在等待,因为我们要赢得宾夕法尼亚州,这是一个伟大的州。但你知道,就像你一样,它完全关闭了,他们关闭了它。州长是民主党人,他把它关闭了。可能会在4号开门。他会宣布:“女士们,先生们,选举已经结束了,我们要开放了。” Right? But you can’t do that. That’s a very, very dangerous decision by the Supreme Court. I guess it was a political decision. I don’t know what it was. I don’t know what they were thinking.

你知道吗,也许我应该,也许我不应该这样说话。我代表这个国家对发生这样的事情感到非常失望。因为我们可能要等上几周才能搞清楚到底是怎么回事。全世界都在等待这个决定。这是一件非常令人难过的事情。希望它会有所改变。希望他们的智慧,他们有智慧。希望他们的智慧会占上风,他们会做些什么。律师会介入,会有一场争斗。但是,事实上,今晚电视上到处都是。 I’m coming from place to place, and the good thing about Air Force One, it’s got more televisions then any hotel room in the world, okay? You have him on the floors you have on the ceilings, you have them all over.

你可以看到人们对这个决定的评论。一些支持者说,这对我们国家来说是一个非常危险的决定,因为很多事情,我的意思是,他们会说,好吧,我们还差多少票?我们需要6000张选票。我们取6000个。我们把它们放在这里。我们取6000个。这是作弊。这是作弊。就像,他们让这些人…你知道吗,我们认为费城竞选的人不是很诚实。我们和费城之间有很多问题。 So that’s the story and hopefully that’ll be changed. And I’m sure the people would say, “Oh, you shouldn’t speak that way about the Supreme Court.” We’ve had so many bad decisions out of the Supreme Court that I will speak that way and that’s the way it is.

这次选举也是在致命的拜登封锁和结束的安全疫苗之间做出选择,顺便说一下,我们正在转折,但我们有很棒的疫苗。我们有很棒的疫苗。我们有很棒的疫苗,很多好事正在发生。当你看治疗时,不好意思,我在这里。我就在这里。不,我觉得治疗对我没帮助。我不认为我需要它。我很高兴我得到了,对吧?Regeneron,我们将免费提供给任何需要它的人。我们让任何需要它的人都可以免费使用它,免费。 But I’ll tell you what, I’m sure I didn’t because I’m a perfect physical specimen. And I am considered very, very young. I’m considered young for my age. No, I’m a perfect specimen. I’m in perfect shape. So I’m sure I would have thrown it away.

但是没有,但是我吃了,我告诉你,第二天早上我一点都不舒服。医生说:“先生,我不想这么说。你的检测结果是阳性的。”我说"医生"肖恩,一个很棒的医生,白宫医生。我说:“肖恩,告诉我,这是什么意思?什么检测呈阳性?“先生,你的中国瘟疫检测呈阳性。”不,他用得更好,他说,“COVID。”他说,“COVID。”它有大约37个名字,你知道我们可以命名它。 I always like to have a China in there because I like to be accurate. But, but he said, “Sir, you have tested positive for COVID.” I said, “I’m in the middle of the campaign, I can’t be positive for COVID.” And so, anyway, so I was, and I didn’t feel too good. And the First Lady had it, at least now you know that all those rumors is that she lives in Virginia separate, I mean, at least now you know she lives in the White House. Because she got it probably from me or whatever, I don’t know, what the hell?

你听说过吗,第一夫人住在弗吉尼亚州的一座漂亮的房子里,就在河边之类的地方。不,不,她还活着,但至少。我知道人们喜欢第一夫人,他们喜欢第一夫人。这是真的。他们爱第一夫人,这是真的,他们爱她。她做得很好。他们喜欢后面的整个家庭,他们喜欢后面的家庭。很棒的家庭,你好,蒂芙尼。所以,梅拉尼娅有,但她把它打得很好。我做得很好。 I was surrounded by these doctors, 12 doctors, I’ve told this story, each one was a specialist. Johns Hopkins, Walter Reed Medical Center is incredible, that’s our military center, it’s incredible. And I’m surrounded, right? I’m just surrounded by these brilliant doctors. One thing when you’re president, you get a lot of doctors. And each doctor grabbed a different part of my body. And I said, “I don’t like this at all.”

但他们告诉我一件事。我说,“我真的很喜欢。我真的……”但那是很早很早的时候。我们为使它通过食品和药物管理局所做的努力是不可思议的。拜登好几年都不会做这些事情。他本来有机会感染猪流感但却搞砸了,对吧?这是一场灾难。这是一场灾难。总之,我第二天早上醒来告诉你,我感觉自己像超人。我想出去。 I said, “Give me another trade deal to renegotiate that these clowns have screwed up. Gave me a trade deal to renegotiate. And where am I supposed to be?” “Well, sir, could you take it easy for a couple of days?” And people are sort of amazed. I’ve done these things, I mean, I do them. These are not easy to do, especially when you have no damn microphone. I mean, I’m working harder on this one than I have on all six that I did today. This is the hardest one. Because I have a microphone that was obviously meant for congressmen and senators, not for a president.

有点偏离,但没关系。当他把它放回这里,递给我的时候,我说:“但我们就是这样开始的。”我觉得这样更好。没人知道,只有前排的人知道。事实上,我觉得这很聪明。然后他来找我,医生肖恩,他说,“先生,我很遗憾地通知您,您的儿子巴伦检测呈阳性。”我又一次精辟地问道:“为什么?”他说:“为了COVID。”我说,“哦,那太可怕了。“哦,不,他会没事的,先生,他会没事的。” I said, “It’s terrible.” But he’s young and he’s strong and he’s very tall. Have you ever seen … I say, “Hi, Barron.” 14 years old, he’s very tall. He’s definitely tall and he’s strong, but he’s young. And I said, “That’s terrible.” He said, “No, he’ll be okay, sir, he’ll be okay.” And I said, “Well, I hope.” Like 12 minutes later I say, “How’s Barron doing Doctor?” “Sir, he’s 100% now, he’s …” Get your kids back to school, okay. Right, get them back to school. Yeah, all right. So we’re going to mass distribute the vaccine in just a few short weeks. It’s going to be coming out very soon and we will quickly eradicate the virus. Wipe out the China plague once and for all, get it the hell out of here. We will never forget either. We will not forget. That was not good. You know, we made a great trade deal with China as you know very well. But you know the ink wasn’t dry before we got this and no good, no good. Joe Biden is promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison state, locking you in your home while your far left anarchists are allowed to roam the streets, burn down your cities, hit people over the head. They’re allowed to do that. That’s why I always call all of these rallies, protests. These are not rallies anymore. Because you’re allowed to have a protest, you can’t have a rally and you can’t go to church.

你不能去教堂,但你可以烧毁城市以示抗议。所以我们总是称这些为友好的抗议。拜登的封锁将意味着没有学校,没有毕业典礼,没有婚礼,没有感恩节,没有圣诞节,没有复活节,没有7月4日,没有未来。除此之外,这真的是个不错的选择。投票给昏昏欲睡的乔·拜登就是投票给封锁、裁员、痛苦和禁止水力压裂。那他呢,已经一年半没使用水力压裂了。“不会有水力压裂。”他对宾夕法尼亚说,“当然,我们要用水力压裂。”好吧,这些人却什么都没做。如果你想要一种杀死病毒的疫苗,一份养家糊口的工作,以及生活的自由,那么你别无选择,只能投票给一位名叫唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的先生。 And as I said, you have to remember this, because during the debate, the debate was good … thank you, thank you very … thank you very much. Thank you.




谢谢你,每一个人。很荣幸能和你们在一起。真的,在基诺沙灾难期间,我真的和这里的很多人都很友好。在那之前很久,因为我们和很多不同的人打交道。你有很棒的人,我们会介绍一些给你认识,但你在这里也有很棒的人。但在那个问题中我真正了解了你。一旦我们接到电话,我们就会非常迅速地解决潜在的危机,这很好。你是伟大的民族。你们建立了这个国家,你们是伟大的人。乔·拜登,就像我说的,他经营H1NI,他把它叫做N1H1,他做不对。 He still does, he can’t get it right. I said, “Joe, H comes before N, it’s easy to remember.”

H1N1猪流感。他失败得很惨,成了整个华盛顿的笑柄。你们还记得,作为他的幕僚长,我不知道为什么这个人会这么说,但他发表了最糟糕的言论。他说,“这个家伙,我们完全不知道我们在做什么。”现在,突然他来了,他说,我不应该把它关在中国,感染严重的中国,对吗?你还记得那个烂摊子吗?不管怎样,现在他跑了,他说,“我应该早点关门的。”真是可耻。国防部长罗伯特·盖茨,一个受人尊敬的人,他说拜登在过去四年里几乎在每一个重大的外交政策和国家安全问题上都是错误的,对吗?四年来,他说,他总是错的。 And he has been always wrong. I don’t believe he’s even running. I can’t believe the whole thing. I’ve watched, I watched the debates. You had 27 total killers on the stage and he was there. But you don’t have to believe me because it’s you, and because it’s Wisconsin, we spent a fortune. And hopefully that’ll work better than the microphone, try it, put it on.





乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(52:30

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(53:13
玉米棒糖是个坏家伙,他经营着一群坏男孩。我做到了,回到那些你们[听不清00:53:22]事情是如何改变的。放好收音机,确保电视机……不好意思,确保你晚上开着录音机。确保孩子们听到这些话。我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的。所有的男人和女人都是由…你知道的,那个东西创造的。如果你能照顾好自己,如果你是军需官,你肯定能帮着打理百货商店的事情,比如在二楼的女士专柜之类的,你明白我的意思吗?我受够了聪明人。你知道的,迅速上升的…我不知道。参加过党团会议吗? No, you haven’t. You’re a lying dog face pony soldier.


乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(54:16
为什么,为什么,为什么,为什么,你开始紧张了,伙计。我们将成为一个什么样的国家?再过四年,乔治,我们会发现,如果特朗普当选,我们将处于一个,我们将处于一个不同的世界。谎言之后,谎言之后,谎言之后。我们必须团结起来,这就是我竞选的原因。我以自豪的民主党人的身份竞选参议院。顺便说一句,我坐在证人席上,天就热了,我的毛腿在阳光下会变成金色。孩子们过去常常游到泳池里,抚摸我的腿。所以它是直的,然后看头发又回来了。他们会看。 So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap. And I’d love kids jumping on my lap.

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(55:12

乔•拜登(Joe Biden):(56:01









这只是一个小样本。我们还有很多。有些太粗糙了,我们就决定…这不是我们国家需要的。这不是关于…是的,这是关于我的,我想,当你仔细想想。但这不是我们国家所能拥有的。我们不能这样。它们非常聪明。他们非常锋利。 He wasn’t sharp 25 years ago, and now it’s not… You can’t let this happen to our country. That’s all I can say, because it’s not a game. We’re not playing a game.

我们今晚过得很愉快。我们彼此相爱。我们玩得很开心,但当你沮丧的时候…我们不能让这种事发生在我们的国家。今晚和我们一起谈论一个伟大的人,是我的朋友参议员。他是我的朋友,而且他…他就是不停歇。他是华盛顿最犀利、最强硬的人之一,当他攻击某个人时,那个人没有机会,或者那个坏团体没有机会。他是国土安全部的首脑,但他是受人尊敬的人,他是你的参议员,我们爱他。我告诉你,华盛顿的每个人都在用最伟大的口吻谈论他。参议员罗恩·约翰逊。 Ron, thank you.

他不停止。你说过不要放弃。他不停止。我们有Bryan Steil。国会议员,伟大的工作。你做得很好。谢谢你!谢谢你所做的一切。格伦Grothman。格伦,非常感谢你。 Great job. Glenn’s doing a great job. Darin LaHood. Darin, good job, Darin. What a good group. You have a wonderful candidate who’s going to be running, and you know who that is? Where is he? Where is Jim? Jim? Jim Oberweis. Jim, thank you, Jim. I heard you’re doing well. Glenn, how’s he doing in the polls? Okay?


他说:“他会赢的。”当他说"他会赢的"他也会赢的。很好。我听说你做得很好。很好。非常好。州共和党主席安德鲁·希特。明天怎么样,安德鲁?好吗?我们好吗? Because he’s doing a nice job, but if we don’t win, he’ll be fired immediately. A friend of mine and a guy who’s done a terrific job, he loves his state, Kenosha’s own Reince Priebus. Where is he? Reince? Stand up, Reince. Where’s Reince? What a good guy he is, too. What a good guy. It took me years to learn how to pronounce his name properly, but he’s a fantastic person. I’m especially glad to be joined tonight by Don Jr. and Kimberly. Don?



你好,威斯康辛州。如果我是乔·拜登,我会说“佛罗里达”,但这并不重要。你不一定是对的。谢谢你,伙计。谢谢你的支持。几周以来,我们每天都能在现场看到这种情况,因为与拜登一家不同,我们没有主流媒体为我们助选。我们得亲自上阵,和你们一起。我们需要你明天带你的朋友来投票。当我们这样做的时候,我们不仅能让美国再次伟大,还能让自由主义者再次哭泣。行动起来吧,威斯康星州。 Get out there and do it. Thank you guys.

好工作。谢谢你!谢谢,金姆。谢谢你,甜心。非常感谢。我告诉你,他们在努力竞选。他们都在努力竞选。他们都是运动。我看到伊万卡和贾里德在后面。贾里德在中东搞和平。 Jared is doing a great job. Peace in the Middle East. Jared, are you going to get it done? You’re going to get it done, Jared? I hope so. Come on up. Come on up. Jared and Ivanka, come on. Come on. This is like an old home week for you. I look back, the whole family is here. Tiffany, come on up. I see Tiffany. Come on up, Tiffany. Come on up. Here, honey. Say something.

你好,威斯康辛州。你们已经听过我父亲谈到他在过去四年中所取得的一些成就。我为他们中的许多人感到骄傲。但我要说的是,我最自豪的是他不像政客,他永远不会忘记他为什么竞选总统,他为谁而战。你。永远不会忘记。这是一件很美好的事情,他每天都非常非常努力地工作。让我告诉你,华盛顿并没有改变唐纳德·特朗普。唐纳德·特朗普改变了华盛顿。这是真的。 It’s true. There’s more to come. Now we have to fight for him, and we have to fight for this country that we love so much, and get out and vote tomorrow. Thank you, Wisconsin. We love you, and God bless.


谢谢你!很荣幸能和大家在一起。我只是说,“华盛顿,如果政客们谈论的事情很容易,他们早就做了。”但像特朗普总统这样的领导人上台后,改变了一些事情,但我们已经看到了一些我们从未想过会发生的事情。我可以告诉你桌子已经摆好了。我们还有很多事情要做,我们全家都爱美国。我们爱这个国家。我们爱你们所有人,我们永远不会停止为完成特朗普总统承诺的所有事情而奋斗。谢谢你的支持。谢谢你的爱。 Thank you. Thank you.

伟大的工作,杰瑞德。谢谢你!谢谢每一个人。谢谢你,孩子。谢谢,每一个人。我看到一些人。我看到的是科里·莱万多夫斯基吗?是的。我看到大卫了吗?这是大卫吗? Come on. Get over here, Corey. Corey Lewandowski. David, come on. David Bossie. What a group. Stand up. Just stand up. We don’t have to hear from them. The mic doesn’t work anyway, so don’t worry about it. Great job. Great job. Good luck on television tomorrow. I think you’re going to have a blow out tomorrow, okay? But I want to thank…

看。我有一个很棒的家庭。我有一个家庭。他们一直在工作,所有人。我们很感激。特殊的人。我们不需要这个。我们有一个很棒的,超级的,一切都很顺利。然后我说,“你知道,也许我可以试试。”你知道为什么吗? Because of trade. It started because of trade. I hated… I watched. It was so obvious, the way we were being ripped off on trade. I said, “Let’s give it a whirl.” I said to my wife, “I’d like to do it. What do you think?” She said, “Well, you have to really want it, because you know you will win, don’t you?” I said, “You think so? Really?” She had a little more security in the fact that if I ran… No. She said, “You will win if you… But you have to make sure you want it.” I said, “I want to do it because we have so many things we could do.”


有人提出了一个想法,“让我们让墨西哥再次伟大起来。”我说,“不。我想让我们的国家再次伟大起来。”这是故事。这是一个复杂的故事,但这一切都演变成了今晚。明天是我们的大日子,我想明天会是非常特别的一天。我希望你们都能出去。你会找到时间,出去投票,我们会让你感到非常骄傲。你会非常自豪的。我马上就要结束了。 For decades, our politicians spent trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars, and defending foreign borders. But now we’re finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities, and we are bringing our jobs, and our factories, and our troops… Finally, finally, finally we’re bringing them back home to the U.S.A. where they belong. For 47 years, Joe Biden viscously attacked Black Americans. He called young Black men, “super predators,” all the time. To every Black American. I am asking you to go out tomorrow and vote. It’s very important. This is your one and only chance to show sleep Joe Biden what you think of his decision to attack you, to jail you, and to betray you. I’m fighting for you, and we got criminal justice reform completed, prison reform completed, Opportunity Zones completed with the great Tim Scott of South Carolina. And funding for historically Black colleges and universities. We got that done.

我一直在说,有时人们会说,“这是一个重大的声明。”然后他们意识到这是真的。除了亚伯拉罕·林肯,从来没有一位总统为黑人社区做了这么多,这是我的荣幸。这是我的荣幸。这是我的荣幸,在我的领导下,顺便说一下,我不知道你们是否关注了佛罗里达州正在发生的事情。我们做得很好。你知道他们在说什么吗?黑人社区和西班牙裔美国人社区真的,他们喜欢特朗普。这是怎么呢不,我们做得很好。 Florida. Florida is doing very well. In conclusion, over the next four years, we will make America into the manufacturing super power of the world, and we will end our reliance on China once and for all. It’s already begun. We will hire more police, increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement, and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities. With God’s help, we will defend the right to life, religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, your second amendment. Which is totally under siege, but as long as Ron Johnson and your great congressman are there, we will protect it. Right, Glenn? Everybody. We will protect it, Ron. That’s an easy one for us. But it wouldn’t be easy if he got in. We wouldn’t have enough to say about it.




我们永远不会成为社会主义国家。我们永远不会。叫上你的朋友,家人,邻居,同事,抓住你老板的领带说:“来吧,老板。我们要出去投票,出去投票。”从麦迪逊到密尔沃基,从简斯维尔到拉克罗斯,还有……你的球队表现不错,对吧?你的团队做得很好。绿湾。绿湾。你喜欢你的四分卫吗?我做的事。 I like your quarterback. You know who I like? We like Brett Favre. Do you like Brett Favre? Do you know that Brett Favre endorsed me last week? We love Brett Favre. What a great guy. I got to know him. He’s a tough cookie. He’s a tough guy. Great guy. Green Bay to right here in Kenosha, we inherit the legacy of American patriots who gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend our country, and to defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, settled a continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up the great skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world, and the best is yet to come.


我们让美国再次强大起来。我们让美国再次感到骄傲。我们再次感到自豪。我们尊重。我们尊重了。我们让美国再次安全。我们会让美国再次伟大。谢谢你,威斯康辛州。谢谢你,威斯康辛州。出去投票吧。 Thank you. It’s a great honor.

