





非常感谢,谢谢。感谢查理的介绍,非常精彩,也感谢你对“转折点行动”和“转折点美国”无畏的领导。非常感谢你,查理。我还要向今天在场的数千名勇敢、年轻和自豪的美国爱国者表示难以置信的感谢。好多人啊。好多人啊。你觉得人太多了,你应该看看外面。大概110华氏度左右。这是一个不可思议的团队。谢谢你! Thank you to the people outside. We love you. You are the pulse of our movement, so true, and you are the ones who will make America great again. I started saying make America great again, again, think of that. Think about that because nobody’s done what we did in four years, the greatest economy, we will be talking about it. We have plenty of time. Does everybody have some time?

我说:“我很期待这次演讲。”他们说:“太好了。”我说:“飞行多长时间?“大约五个半小时?”所以我说,“哦,我们可以在Zoom之前完成吗?”但极速永远取代不了真品。我们同意吗?尤其是对我们伟大的年轻学生来说,它不能取代课堂,不是吗?在你们的帮助下,我们将捍卫民主和正义。我们将为真相、透明和问责制而战,在恢复我们美国人与生俱来的诚实、自由和公平选举的权利之前,我们不会停止。我们聚集在凤凰城,以表示我们对选举公正的支持,以及对亚利桑那州参议院勇敢而不屈不挠的保守派勇士的支持。 Thank you. You created a movement all over the country. This is now starting all over the country. I’m hearing Texas wants to do a forensic audit, I just heard. Even though I won Texas by a lot, I said, “You should do it because you’ll find out what’s going on in this country.” It’s crazy. When you hear defund the police, when you hear no IDs… Of course, now they’re trying to get into the, “We never really said that.” It’s crazy. But when you hear open borders, how about open borders? All this stuff.

在我看来,他们不作弊是不可能赢得选举的。不可能。不可能。没有第二修正案。他们反对能量。两个月前,我们实现了能源独立。现在我们不是能源独立的。我看到他们又在和欧佩克谈判了。我们又开始谈判了。他们现在正在与欧佩克和俄罗斯进行谈判。 We had so much oil. We didn’t know what the hell to do with it. It’s not even believable. They closed up so many sites. Today I want to send our profound and everlasting gratitude to every Arizona Republican who had the fortitude and the backbone to defy the lying media. Look at that. That’s a lot of media. A lot of media. See the red lights are starting to go off now. They’re going, “Cut. Cut. He’s at it again. He’s talking about the media.” It’s easy. Hey look. Some of them are down almost 80%. Can you believe it?

那是因为他们失去了可信度,但我想把它讲完。我们要求对马里科帕县的调查结果进行全面的法医审计。我要特别感谢亚利桑那州参议院议长卡伦·范。她一直很好,很坚强。我预测当投票结果出来的时候,那就是她在参议院,我认为他们会非常可怕,她会比她想象的更进一步,因为他们会在我看来,再说一次,我没有参与。他们参与。这是亚利桑那州参议院。我认为结果会非常惊人。你已经看到了他们中的一些人,他们将比以前走得更远。司法委员会主席沃伦·彼得森。 Where’s Warren? Thank you, Warren. Thank you, Warren. He’s here someplace. Thank you, Warren. We did win. We really did. Not me. We all won. We won. Everybody.

选举之夜的时候,我们领先很多。比赛在10点结束,然后他们突然关闭了制表区。他们关闭了所有的大门,然后我们醒来,突然之间就平局了,或者我们输了。没人相信。他们不相信。我现在告诉你,他们不相信。州参议员,JD·梅纳德,凯利·汤森。凯莉,你太不可思议了。凯利,JD,谢谢。凯利在哪儿? Kelly, thank you. Great job. Tremendous courage, you have. I appreciate it. The whole country appreciates it really a lot. Nancy Bartow. Nancy, wherever you may be. Nancy, thank you. Thank you very much. Great job. Thanks, Nancy. Nice to meet you. See, they all think I’m involved. I’m not involved. These are people that did this by themselves. They wanted to do it. They had to do it. They saw what was going on and they did it. So I’m meeting some of you for the first time. Senator Kerr, where Senator Kerr? Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Somebody who’s been a warrior again. I don’t know him. Sonny Borelli, he’s great. Where’s Sonny? There he is.

我在电视上见过那个人,但我不认识桑尼。但是桑尼,你真的是一个了不起的人,一个勇敢的人,一个坚强聪明的人。非常感谢。你们所有人。文斯水蛭。文斯在哪儿?谢谢你,文斯。谢谢你!非常感谢你,文斯。伟大的工作。 Somebody else who’s really been out there that’s been a brave who wants to go many steps further than anybody, Wendy Rogers. Thank you, Wendy. Great job. You knew the answer early on when they were waiting for results, but you knew the answer. And I think Kelly Townsend is around someplace, where’s Kelly? Good. Okay. I didn’t see you in the audience now. I want it. Okay. And by the way, Kelly has to get a special… Really great. Wendy, Kelly, Borrelli, what a group. I wouldn’t want to fight. I wouldn’t want to fight you. Thank you. I like that. Wendy. We just have a new one, Wendy, Kelly, and Borelli that’s going to be a very famous… That’s going to be a very famous someday, I suspect. Good. Great to meet you. Great. Republican party chairwoman, somebody that has tremendous courage I will tell you. Somebody that’s been fighting so long and so hard and she never stops. And some people love her. And some people don’t like her as much. I happen to love her, but she is. She’s really a fighter. And she fights your governor who doesn’t do a damn thing. She’s fighting. He doesn’t do a damn thing. Chairwoman Kelly Ward. Kelly? I called up Kelly recently. I said, “Why wouldn’t the governor want an audit?” Maybe everything will prove to be correct, which we know won’t happen. I said, “Why wouldn’t this governor Doug Ducey…” When I did rallies, he always wanted to be in the front row. “Sir, could you mention my name please?” I’ll mention. And I did these rallies and he wasn’t very popular, but he won by a lot because he ran against a very defective candidate, which they found out after they nominated that Democrat. But I’d introduce him and I wouldn’t get much of an applause and I’d get a lot of boos. And I kept saying, “This guy’s not very popular.” But now you know what? He’s not popular with me either.

他们来看我。他们说:“先生,你想让他竞选参议员吗?”我说:“他不会得到我的支持。我可以告诉你。”米奇·麦康奈尔,还有另一个美。共和党人米奇·麦康奈尔。米奇·麦康奈尔。老乌鸦。他在竞选中失败了,我告诉你,肯塔基是个好地方。我爱肯塔基州。 They love me and I love them and I was way up and he was losing by two points. And he said, “Sir, I’d like to see you.” He comes over. “Would you give me a big endorsement? And could you do a television commercial?” And I didn’t love the idea because I’m not too high on him, but it was between him or a woman named Amy McGrath, a Democrat. She had 93 million sitting in the bank and he was two down and he was going to get blown away and I endorsed him and he went up 20 points, 20. She didn’t even spend her money. She had no chance because of my endorsement he went up 20 points and then he got up and said the nastiest things about me. That’s the way politics is, I guess. Sonny, it’s not that way in Arizona is it? Oh yeah.

我想是的,凯莉。我想是的。不,没那么糟。太神奇了。你支持某人,你帮助某人。我不想要任何表扬。我什么都不想要,但我不想让这种事发生。这是其中之一。但你在这里所做的一切是不可思议的,这里的每个人都完全理解。2020年的大选完全是一场耻辱。 It was the most corrupt.


小本·萨斯。“我能得到你的支持吗?”是的。在他获胜的第二天,他就开始攻击小特。但你知道吗?事情就是这样。但你知道,我告诉人们,这是最大的问题。这比边界还大。这比什么都重要。这是最大的问题。 And I see it just here and I’d say I’d make a speech. And I talk about the border because we straightened out the border. We had the strongest border in history. We straightened out the border and that’s a big deal. But when you look at all of the death and destruction that this election has caused and wait til you see what’s happening with inflation. Wait til you see the real numbers on inflation and what’s going on. And wait til you go to the pump today and you see $3.75 cents. We were at a $1.87 for a gallon of gasoline. It was the most corrupt, dishonest, and unfair election in the history of our country. The Democrats know it. The corrupt media, right back there a lot of people, they know it.

大型科技公司知道这一点。最重要的是,我们美国人民知道这一点。我们知道。但由于全国各地坚定的保守派,这一切正在发生。如果你看看整个过程。他们从很多不同的州来看你的审计程序,他们回去后我会打电话给他们,“你觉得怎么样?你觉得怎么样?”他们说:“我们不相信。”现在他们开始自己审计了。这就是正在发生的事情。 They’re coming and looking. They’re looking at what Karen and Kelly… They’re looking what they all set up here and they can’t… Wendy, what you’ve done. Borelli, I love you. Borelli, you’re Italian. I hope you’re all Italian, Borelli? That’s why I get along. That’s why I like him. Good. He’s tough as nails too, but you know what?

他们进来了。他们看着,回到自己的状态,他们说,“这是我们见过的最不可思议的事情。”为什么有人不希望选举公正呢?他们为什么不想知道?我会非常高兴。这不会发生,但如果他们做到了,而且一切都很完美,我会很高兴。但你不会找到的。事实上,初步的数据完全是一场灾难,我们将会讨论这些数据。事实正在浮出水面。真相正在被揭露,世纪罪行正在被完全揭露。 Thank you. With what inflation is doing to our country. The crime has never been higher than it is. Now you have in Chicago, hundreds of people are being shot every weekend in Afghanistan. We haven’t lost one soldier in Afghanistan for the last year and a half. In Chicago, they have 188 people shot over a weekend. Many of whom die. That’s worse than any war zone anywhere in the world. Chicago and New York, what’s happening in New York. The crime in New York. And Rudy Giuliani was the greatest mayor in the history of New York City, by the way.

他们在追捕他因为他明白这一点,他们在追捕他。他是一个真正的爱国者。他们对鲁迪做的事太丢人了。最伟大的市长和最伟大的检察官我是说,他是个打击犯罪的人。他是打击犯罪的斗士,但这是最伟大的市长。你知道,如果我在五年前,十年前这么说,那就没有那么大的意义了。现在你意识到拥有一个伟大的市长意味着什么,因为当你看看我们的城市发生了什么,由民主党人管理,所有的城市都由民主党人管理。这是我们从未见过的犯罪浪潮。这是可怕的。 People are afraid to walk down to the streets of New York and nobody gets prosecuted except Republicans, by the way. In every fake news story about the election, they always begin by stating that claims are unproven.

这就是假新闻。这些说法未经证实。你有没有注意到,你读了一篇关于大规模欺诈的报道,但他们并没有写太多。最大的问题是他们不写……但他们总是说:“虽然这完全未经证实。”你会说,“等一下,我们抓了成千上万的人。”然后他们说,“虽然没有证据,”他们有一些简短的片段。但最疯狂的是他们总是一起做,因为你知道,他们一起工作。如果这是一个企业,他们会被关进监狱,因为它会被称为垄断。但他们称之为最大最疯狂的谎言。你知道,最大的谎言是什么吗? The opposite is the big lie. The election was the big lie.

我必须告诉你,我必须这么说。我从来没说过,但我一直这么想。如果我竞选失败了,我也无所谓。我没意见。认真对待。如果我们输了选举,我们就输了一场选举。我要回家。我会开始建造大楼。我会做点什么。我会让自己忙起来的。 But you know what? If we lost the election, we know when we lose. In Georgia, they had an election. We did so well. And everyone knew we won by hundreds of thousands and they stole it from us. And what happened is we had two senators running a couple of months later and you know what happened to them? The Republicans said, “We’re not going out to vote because this is rigged. This election was rigged,” and they know it. You know when you win and when you lose. If I lost this election, I could handle it pretty easily. When they steal it from you and rig it, that’s not easy. And we have to fight. We have no choice. We have to fight.


他们玩的是不同的游戏。但你知道,最终我们比他们大得多。我们有更多的人,因为当你回顾他们的政策时,事实是这些政策没有得到50%的投票。我们有很多很多人。他们很强硬,很刻薄,还会黏在一起。它们确实会粘在一起。但他们的政策太糟糕了。他们太可悲了。如果他们曾经有过我们的政策,也许就不会有共和党了,我必须对你诚实,因为我们直到现在都没有。这一切都是从这些了不起的人开始的,他们中的许多人就坐在这里。 The state senators from Arizona, it started with them. And now it’s turning out to be a revolution in this country because people are saying, even some Democrats, they’re saying no. Knowing what happened in the election is a good thing, not a bad thing. It’s a good thing. And what are they trying to hide? Why wouldn’t they want it? Now they’re trying to hide at… That’s why I don’t understand guys like Ducey and your commissioners. These commissioners, they’re so bad.

但你知道,你有政治迫害。还记得伟大的政治迫害和第一次弹劾骗局,还有第二次弹劾骗局。它向你展示了共和党人是如何团结在一起的。我们有伟大的共和党人。你有吉姆·乔丹。我会有麻烦的,但你有吉姆·乔丹和戴文。顺便说一下,今晚在座的有三位。我希望你们都喜欢他们,因为他们三个都是斗士。但我们马上会介绍它们。他们可能已经说过了。 I hope they have. That way they won’t take up any of our time. But they’re great. Here’s just some of the shocking information the auditors in Arizona have already reported. So this is reported. This isn’t coming from Trump. This has been reported. More than 74,000. Now I lost by about 10,000.

我们没有输。我们赢了很多。但是他们说我们输了。所以我们需要大于10。我们开始吧。我们有很多类别,几乎所有类别都远远超过我们赢得选举所需的数量。再一次,记住决定性这个词。如果我输了10,我们发现只有两个人死了。但是没有。有成千上万的死人在不同的州投票,成千上万的人。 Some even applied for an application to vote. Do you believe that? So not only did they vote, they applied for an application, but if had two dead people and we lost by 10,000, I don’t consider that. I don’t. I only talk when it’s much more than you need. So think of this. 74,000 mail-in ballots were counted with no clear record of them being ever sent.

除此之外,一切都很好。没有他们被送去的记录,但他们被数过了。所以没人知道他们到底在哪,但我们要反击。该县拒绝透露这7.4万人中有多少人亲自提前投票。有多少人神奇地出现在你附近的邮寄投票箱里?那些箱子怎么样?那些箱子怎么样?那些他们进入的盒子里拜登得到了97%的选票呢?不,我不这么认为。平心而论,我们会来.... We came for rallies here. We had 42,000 and 44,000 and he came and he couldn’t fill the eight circles. They had to use the fake news. No, they were calling the news. “Please, would you please stand over here please?” They’re getting newspaper reporters and reporters to stand there. They’re standing with cameras. They couldn’t fill the eight circles. The only thing I liked about his campaign, because he didn’t really campaign, the cabal campaign. Lots of people campaigned for him. But I did like the-

为…付钱。但我确实喜欢那个承包商,他不是亨特·拜登的艺术才能。想想看。不,承包商,那些圆画得太美了。我很擅长建筑、绘画和所有这些不同的东西。绘画,我知道好的绘画是什么,亨特不会教你的。但不,不,这是非常专业的。太不可思议了。很好。事实上,我可能还不会这么做,但在某些情况下,我会找出画这些圆的承包商的名字,因为我想用它们来做一些事情。 But what about Hunter Biden getting a half a million dollars per painting, and he never painted before? Could you imagine if my kids did that? Could you imagine? And now they’re justifying it. “Well, we want to make it non-transparent.” No, actually you should make it transparent, I guess. But actually you shouldn’t make it real because it’s a bribe. It’s a bribe, a hundred percent bribe.

你们有很好的画家。花250美元,你就可以在中央公园画一幅肖像画。拿着铅笔的家伙。他们做得太不可思议了。他们是天才。他们都是天才。你去中央公园,那里有很多艺术家在排队。你跟他们谈条件,他们会给你250美元。他们是令人难以置信的天才。他们中的一些人难以置信,他们能在短时间内做到什么。 Hunter Biden’s getting $500, 000. It’s a bribe. It’s disgraceful, and the fake news media is talking about it like it’s okay, but we should have transparency. It’s unbelievable.

还有笔记本电脑和笔记本电脑,我也想你。地狱笔记本,这是地狱笔记本。当你看到那台笔记本电脑时,人们都在写它。这意味着只有很小一部分人在写作。一些书即将出版。一些非常优秀的人写的书。但你知道吗?当你从地狱里看着笔记本电脑,然后你看了采访。是俄罗斯偷了他的笔记本电脑。然后他们说,“是俄罗斯吗?” Well, it may have been me. It may have been them. I think that’s the end of that one.

总是俄罗斯。你注意到了吗?从来不是中国。因为他们都从中国变富了。他们没有从俄罗斯获得财富。总是俄罗斯,俄罗斯,俄罗斯干的。俄罗斯。俄罗斯又这样做了。不,这是耻辱。顺便说一句,我阻止了他们的输油管道。 It was stopped. They have a pipeline going into Germany, going into Europe. I stopped it. I put sanctions on all these states and all of these companies who were building it. Biden approved it. Then as you know, you’ve heard this before he stopped the Keystone XL pipeline. The real number is 48, not eight. They said 8,000, 48,000 jobs. And they lost all over the country. People sold their home. They were so excited that we’re going to be building this pipeline. Environmentally much better than a truck. Much better, frankly, than a train, a railroad, much safer. They were building it, and he stopped it like in the first week he stopped it.

然而,他却批准了世界上最大的天然气管道——从俄罗斯到德国。我们应该保护德国。我说过。我说:“顺便说一下,如果不是我,你根本不会听说那条管道。”北溪二号,北溪。没人听说过。在我出现之前没人提起过。没有人做。听着,我和普京相处得很好,因为这是件好事。我和他相处得很好。 He got along with me, but nobody was ever tougher on Russia that I was. This pipeline is the biggest thing they’ve ever done. This is billions and billions.



他们说这是总统历史上最糟糕的六个月。我不知道这是不是真的,但我想说这是真的。如果你看看经济发生了什么。疫苗呢?疫苗是我发明的他们说这需要三到五年的时间,才能拯救世界。我建议你服用。但我也相信你们有百分之百的自由。但正如你所理解的,这是一个伟大的成就。但后来,我们开始了。 We’re doing a million people a day, and then they said, “We’re going to put a pause on one of the vaccines.” What that did, that set it back so badly. And so now they’re saying what a wonderful job he did.

他们不再说太多关于接种疫苗的事了。现在看来,他们不能再这么说了。他们所做的是因为他们不信任总统,人们不这么做。这很简单。我们在应对COVID方面做得非常出色,拿到了隔离服、物资、呼吸机、口罩等一切,而媒体什么都没做,只是杀了我们。他们会说:“看看印度比美国做得多好。”印度怎么样?印度做得怎么样?印度正在经历地狱。他们说:“看看韩国做得多好。” They would always try and pick the best country anywhere in the world that had the least problem. Those countries now are being ravaged by this plague that was sent to us by China. And by the way, China has to pay us retribution.

好吧。有近4000人在10月15日截止日期后投票。所以你有一个界限,一个合法的界限,但是成千上万的人投票,这是非法的。为什么有4000人投票?此外,有超过1.1万人在选举后的第二天没有在选民名单上。想想看。他们在选举后的第二天不在选民名单上。选举一个月后公布的选民名单上都有哪些人。选举的时候他们不在那里,但一个月后他们碰巧找到了他们?仅这一点就超过了您所需要的假定边际。 It’s 10,457 votes. We beat it in every category. There were 18,000 people who voted in Arizona in 2020, who were then purged from the rolls immediately after the election. Why didn’t they purge them before, Sonny? Could I ask you that question? Sonny said they cheated. They cheated. They cheated.

我们正在变成一个第三世界国家,这正在发生。然后,168000张选票被发现印在非官方的、非常薄的纸上。换句话说,在我看来,他们缺少选票,他们只是编造出来的,因为你有所谓的“选民安全纸”。它很重。就像美钞一样。这是非常复杂的东西。但是他们没有。他们有16.8万票,这是必须的。这是必需的。你必须拥有它。 And they found it on paper. And the reason they noticed it, I guess, number one, it was very light, but they saw that when you hit it with a certain pen, it went right through the paper. They say, “What the kind of papers is this?” that’s 168,000 votes. And so that also would have been invalidated. They wouldn’t have allowed it to be on election day. They wouldn’t have allowed it. 168,000 votes. I wonder who they voted for. Tell me, I wonder who they voted for. Would you say it was a hundred percent for Biden or 97%?

在最近的一次听证会上,有成千上万张没有序列号的重复选票被披露,这表明选票可能被欺骗性地重复并计算了多次。一次又一次。你在乔治亚州看到了,你看到那些人进去了。他们说:“总水管破了。大家都走,大家都走。”所有人都出去了。他们不想淹死。他们不想让总水管破裂。不久之后,一个女人,一个政治特工,我们都知道她的名字。我们都知道她的名字,这事早该解决了,早该解决了。 But a woman comes in, but it is now it’s in court, and it’s a big deal. She came in with a group. She didn’t go back to her machine.

他们朝桌子走去。他们掀起桌子的裙摆,你瞧,上面装满了选票,但不是装在选票箱里的选票。它们在其他的箱子里。这完全不同。他们拿了这些,然后开始放进去。有时三次,有时五次。他们就站在那里。我告诉你,当人们看到它时,他们就会生病。人们一看到它就想吐,执法部门做得很少,但现在发生的事情是,我相信法院会做很多。这是一件大事。 That was total criminal behavior.

所以你听到了成千上万的投票。我们赢得了亚利桑那州,而且是决定性的胜利。我们还赢得了其他的州。是不是很神奇?巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马。他在全国范围内决定性地击败了拜登。希拉里也是如此,除了在五个摇摆州,拜登以黑人人口的优势击败了他。所以我认为他不会打败奥巴马,但只在这些州。所以他表现很差,除了在这些州,他取得了巨大的胜利。我们真的是聪明的人。 We can’t let this happen. We can’t let this happen.

然而,这仅仅是亚利桑那州审计所揭露的违规行为的开始。作者和审计人员已经收集了一份宣誓书,声明县选举工作人员将签名匹配标准从20分降低到10分,再到5分,最终降至0分。换句话说,他们完全废除了所有的签名匹配。换句话说,你的签名很糟糕。所以这台机器采集到了很多不好的信号。他们说:“这样不行。让我们降低它。让我们降低它。”他们把它降到了零。所以你没有匹配的签名。 Perhaps. This is why the county has refused to comply with an official subpoena sent out by your great senate to provide images of the envelopes, which would prove whether they counted ballots and whether or not they had signatures at all. Because we think many of them had no signature at all because you can’t sign them all during the night.

我们认为他们没有,你知道他们还没有什么吗?它们没有褶皱。为了计算选票,它必须折叠。但是很多书页都是平铺的,没有折痕,没有折痕。网络安全专家也证实,选举管理系统软件的日志在非常可疑的情况下被删除。是他们说的,不是我说的。一天之内就有超过37000个请求发送到服务器。想想看。永久删除选举期间的所有数据。天啊,我想知道他们为什么要删除有关选举的数据? I wonder why.

不管出于什么原因,该县也拒绝生产网络路由器。我们要路由器,桑尼,温蒂,我们得拿到路由器。路由器。来吧,凯利,我们可以弄到路由器。这些路由器。你知道吗?我们已经超出路由器的范围了,在没有路由器的情况下有很多欺诈投票。但如果你有路由器,那就会显示什么,他们不想放弃路由器。他们不想给他们。他们在拼命地战斗。 Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers? How simple could it be? That will tell the truth. What are they trying to hide? Unbelievably, the auditors have testified that the master database for the election management system, sorry to tell you, has been deleted. I wonder why it was deleted. I wonder, Sonny, why was it deleted, please? Meaning the main database for all of the election related data in Maricopa in 2020 has been illegally erased. It’s been erased.

该县也拒绝提供该信息的授权。我们需要访问投票制表设备所需的信息。最糟糕的是,他们拒绝交出马里科帕县选票最重要的监管链文件。他们不想给你。他们为什么不给钱?为什么?我今天站在你们面前,要求马里科帕县和马里科帕县监事会充分、彻底的合作,他们在每一个转折点都与你们的参议院斗争。令人难以置信的。为什么?为什么? Why?


我们得到了7500万张选票。我们又多了1200万张选票。历史上还没有哪位总统能多获得接近1200万张选票。这是他们做计数的时候。所以你可以想象出实数是多少。好吧?现在你可以想象。因为最简单的作弊方法就是把它们扔掉。这是更容易。邮差不需要送他们。 The post office doesn’t have to deliver them. It’s a very Democrat group and why not? They have the greatest pension plan that anybody’s ever seen. Why not? And that’s okay. But you know, a lot of them didn’t go to their location and when they were signed, they didn’t get brought back. But when you think about it, and when you think about the corruptness, why don’t these people want to find out the truth? The citizens of America deserve answers.

我们说的是美国。我们现在谈的不是亚利桑那了。我们谈论的是美利坚合众国,因为这已经发生了。我不想这么说,但这是因为你真的很坏,但在密歇根州的底特律,情况更糟,更糟。那里有一群绿诺的参议员。恰恰相反。你有一两个。我们有一大堆他们,但我们有一堆RINO参议员。在我看来,这并不像宾夕法尼亚州的费城那么糟糕。看看费城。 What they did to our poll watchers were incredible. We had poll watchers, nice people, great people. They love our country. They were Republican, but more than anything else, they want an honest count. They’d turn them in either way. They were physically thrown the hell out and they couldn’t get in for days.

所以在那段时间里,发生了很多可怕的事情。他们不仅把他们扔了出去,还用木板封上了窗户。所以他们甚至看不到里面。然后我们拿到了法院命令,他们不愿服从法院命令。然后把他们关在60英尺外。你知道60英尺吗?这就像我和那边那位穿着漂亮红裙子的女士一起看投票,对吧?那是60英尺。我说,“哦,天哪,投票怎么样?我在60英尺外。” They were threatened by thugs. In Georgia a a recent review of valid images has shown that the error rate in the hand audit of Atlanta’s Fulton County was a whopping 60%. Would you say that’s high? Including outright fabricated vote totals as well as obvious duplications of ballots amounting to potentially thousands and thousands of extra votes for Joe Biden. All of this is in addition to the recently discovered 35,000 illegal votes that were potentially cast by people who did not live in the county in which they voted. Minor detail. As well as 100,000 people who were purged from the Georgia rolls after the election. Think of this. I lost by like 11,000. 11,000. They have a 100,00 plus, they were purged. They were deleted after the election was over. Far exceeding the margin needed for a Republican presidential victory. That’s just that one item. That’s the only one, but we have many.

换句话说,它是决定性的。难怪乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和激进的民主党人会疯狂地尖叫投票权,咆哮民主。他们想要民主,并抵制调查2020年大规模欺诈的一切努力。你要明白,我们谈论的是取消文化。他们想要取消的最大的事情是他们不希望你谈论刚刚举行的选举,因为他们说,“我靠,他们抓住了我们。他们抓住了我们。他们抓住了我们。”


媒体太不诚实了。他们不想谈这个。但是如果你考虑取消。关于取消文化的一切,他们都想取消文化。但他们不想做任何与2020年大选有关的事情。他们差点就逃脱了。他们可能已经逃脱了。我们会找到答案的,因为我们必须采取行动。但我不这么认为。我不这么想。 If somebody robs Tiffany, a beautiful jeweler, 57th and Fifth, good location, excellent location. And they steal the diamonds and then they get caught. They have to turn the diamonds back. It’s very simple. Amazing the way it works.

我只希望我的朋友迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)有更多的勇气把结果发回立法机构,因为一切都发生得太快了。他们计划了四年,一切都发生得太快了。如果他把它送回立法机关,有人给了他坏建议。伟大的托马斯·杰斐逊,你知道发生了什么吗?乔治亚州,他们无法准确计算选票。听着,听着,伟大的乔治亚州无法准确地点票。你知道托马斯·杰斐逊说过什么吗?很久以前,他说:“那么,我们将把选票从伟大的乔治亚州拿走。”他没说,我们要把它送回去。我是说,把它送回去。 Maybe it comes back. But when you have more votes in some places by a lot than you have voters, I think Mike would have had the right to say, “Excuse me, we have more votes than we have voters. If you don’t mind, please take a look at it.” Just a couple of the basics. Just a little basics. So I wish he did that. I wish he did that.

激进的左翼民主共产党操纵和出卖了选举。我们抓住了他们。让他们负责并修复这个破碎和腐败的系统的时候不是在2022年,那里可能同样腐败。如果是的话,你不会赢的。或者在2024年,此时此刻就在亚利桑那州。现在,现在。你知道吗?如果你不认真对待它,如果你找不到,我不想这么说,因为这对我们的国家来说太可怕了。但你会看到不想投票的共和党人。他们不会愿意为凯利工作的。 They’re not going to want to have to work for Wendy and for Borelli, Mister Italy, they’re not going to work for you. You know what they’re going to say? They’re going to say, “We’re not going to let it happen again.”

这就是发生在两位参议员身上的事。他们不会为你工作的。你得走了。这是最重要的问题。你得走了。我们没有闲钱坐等下次选举。我们没有。很多人,他们都很优秀,我之前说过。“先生,想想未来。你在民意调查中领先。” We just got back from CPAC. I was at 98% approval rating in the poll. 98%. Sonny, what am I here? I don’t know. You think we’re at 98? I want to find out. I don’t know, 98, 98. And they say, “Sir, you’re leading in the polls, sir. You’re way ahead of everybody. Run in ’24, sir, you’re going to win.” And I say, “Wait a minute, I just won six months ago.”

我们国家的生存取决于追究这些人的责任。我们必须举行这些负责任的选举。我们必须抓住那些对2020年总统选举骗局负有责任的人。这是骗局,是历史上最大的罪行,我们必须让这些人承担责任。希望,我这么说,我有信心。希望你们的司法部长马克·布尔诺维奇,你们的州司法部长会接受信息。这些令人难以置信的战士和爱国者提供的信息。他会接受它,他会做所有人都知道必须要做的事。如果他不这样做,那就太可悲了。你们的州长道格·杜西,他对你们毫无帮助。 No help to you. It’s incredible. He doesn’t want to know the answer.

但每天都有更多的事情被发现和揭露。不仅在亚利桑那州,全国都是如此。这样的数字你不会相信。就在本月,费城前联邦检察官威廉·麦克谢德。你听说过他吗?威廉·麦克斯温,他之前在费城起诉了很多贿选案,他发表了一封令人震惊的信。他这么做了,我认为是发自内心的,他说他的办公室收到了大规模选举舞弊的指控。这是费城,费城到处都是选举违规行为。从选民的角度来看,也是最腐败的地方之一,另一个,还有底特律和其他一些地方,是最腐败的地方之一,但他发现,他想调查所有这些。但司法部长比尔·巴尔(Bill Barr)命令他下台,麦克斯温不是唯一一个。 And McSwain is very angry about it.

然后比尔·巴尔出去说选举中没有任何舞弊行为。看看这些数字。我今天给你们的。看看这些数字。我们需要两个大的或三个小的。我们有很多很多东西要看。但有两个大的。换句话说,我们就在那里。所以这很重要。很遗憾,这只是因为他没有发现欺诈。 When that letter came out from McSwain, that was a sad day for this country, sad day. I was wondering because he was all excited. McSwain was all excited. He was going to go in there. Then one day it’s like somebody died. he was told not to do it.

有一天,我注意到假新闻媒体称比尔·巴尔为唐纳德·特朗普的傀儡。而且他根本不是傀儡。他们有一张他拿着绳子的照片,我完全控制着他。但事实并非如此。他们说比尔·巴尔,你必须反对他,比尔·巴尔。然后他们开始说要弹劾他。这就是所谓的扮演裁判,你知道那是什么吗?他们在最高法院也这么做。他们是令人讨厌的。你又看到了,他们想弹劾卡瓦诺? Not that they want to impeach him. They want to scare the hell out of him so he votes along the liberal lines because if he votes along the liberal lines, they’re playing the ref better than the great Bobby Knight of Indiana ever played the ref. Remember with the chair? The this they said, “Bobby, Bobby, you’re not going to win that call-”

或者这样,他们说,“鲍比,鲍比,你不会赢的。”他说:“但下一场比赛我一定会赢。”这就是他们正在做的。伟大的鲍比·奈特,他是我们伟大的代言人之一。我要告诉你,当鲍比·奈特支持特朗普的时候,印第安纳州之前我们做得很好,你得看看之后的情况。鲍比·奈特,这是一项工作,但他说,“这次可能行不通,但下次会成功的。”裁判们什么都不敢说。这是真的。这就是他们对我们最高法院所做的。他们想吓唬卡瓦诺。 They’re talking about an impeachment. I just saw it again this morning in the paper. They want to impeach Kavanaugh again. It’s not that they do. They want him to rule for them. And if he rules for them, they’re never going to impeach him.

但如果他像他应该做的那样,因为他是保守派,但他们也不想有一个拥挤的法院。所以他们说我们要把法庭塞满。我们要把球场挤满了。他们对巴尔也做了同样的事。他们说,“特朗普控制了他。”我一看到这个,就说"开始吧"因为他要怎么脱身呢?很简单,就像投票没有被操纵一样。他阻止了他们这样做。我为此感到很难过。但我也理解这一点,因为没有人比这些狡诈的民主党人做得更好。 Nobody does it better. So I don’t blame Barr. I don’t blame a lot of people, but they become weak and they become ineffective and they become frightened. Like it or not, we are becoming a communist country. That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s happening.

我们已经超越了社会主义。当你没有可以交谈的媒体时,一个共产主义国家就是这样开始的。他们没有媒体报道。我们在亚利桑那州发现了一些东西,除了几个很棒的网络,我们没有媒体。我们没有声音。我能发声只是因为我收视率高。最终,评级非常重要。但即使是那些灯,它们仍然亮着。这很好。我印象非常深刻。 That’s good. Thank you. And if the Democrats get some of the things they currently want passed, including the election of Corrupt Politicians Act, an infrastructure, which isn’t infrastructure, it will get even worse. What they’re asking for is incredible. The Green New Deal, going to destroy our country, this Green New Deal. It’s green new bullshit. That’s what it is. It’s bullshit.

因为环境原因,建筑物不能再开窗户了。我对这些建筑总是做得很好,窗户越大,我做得越好,窗户越大,我想要落地窗,但他们说你不能再这样做了。我们不想再要窗户了。我觉得卖房子真的很难。我们有一间漂亮的公寓,出于环保考虑,我们没有在大楼里装窗户。哦,太好了。听起来不错。这些人都疯了。不管牛发生了什么,还记得他们要把所有的牛都赶走吗?他们停止了,人们不喜欢那样。 Remember? You know why they were going to get rid of all the cows? People will be next. People will be in there.


这并不遥远。你们有国务卿证明的选举结果非常不准确。甚至是欺诈性的,他们证明选举的数字是欺诈性的。正如我所说,你们有投票观察员,他们在费城、底特律和许多许多其他城市被非法阻止计票。在某些地区,选票比选民还多。想想这个。这太简单了。你说了很多不同的东西。很多人都在谈论机器,我说,你知道吗?太复杂了,就不需要了。 It’s so many different forms. They cheated in so many different ways. You don’t have to get complex. You don’t have to be a great scientist from MIT. They cheated in so many different ways. People were caught on camera illegally running ballots multiple times through voting counting machines. And remember, I am not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m the one trying to save American democracy. I’m trying to save it.

我们的国家正在被那些无权破坏它的人摧毁。非法赢得选举的人。那些不应该当选的人。他们在山体滑坡中失败了。乔·拜登和激进的民主党人正在破坏我们的国家。我甚至不相信是他。我真的不相信。我觉得乔根本不知道自己在哪。我觉得不是他。犯罪率激增。 Inflation is soaring. The border is gone. We went from the strongest border ever to the weakest border ever. The border is non-existent. Illegal aliens are pouring in, in record numbers. Critical race theory is being forced into every facet of our society. Free speech is being crushed.

男子被允许参加女子项目的比赛。你觉得怎么样?想想看。公平吗?你看到那个举重运动员了吗?我不想告诉你,但是他打破了你长久以来的记录。这家伙站起来砰,砰,就像一个九年的记录,孩子,一个九年的记录。繁荣。他用一只手做的吗?这太不公平了。 It’s so unfair. So ridiculous. I’ll be honest though, look, we all like to win. If I were a coach, I’ll tell ya. I wouldn’t be talking to too many women as we know women. I’d be getting some of these people that they’re women. Somebody said that if LeBron James ever decided to get the operation, how would he be? How would he be on the court? And by the way, LeBron James, you can have him.

你看到篮球的收视率了吗,太糟糕了。但在他的球队被击败后,股价上涨了,这正在发生。它出现在体育界,但人们不想看。他们想看运动员。他们希望看到竞争。但她们最不愿意看到的是男性参加女子项目。因为很快,你将不再有女性参与竞争。我不想这么说。我不得不说,你会有一个教练,一个完整的团队。这支球队将轻松赢得全国冠军,你不会有女性参赛。 They’re taking away your rights. That’s really a women’s rights movement. You can’t let that happen. And now they just allowed it to happen in the Olympics. The Olympics has gone bad too. Our infrastructure is being hacked by foreign countries left and right. Thousands of rockets are being fired at Israel. And Joe Biden is allowing America to be pushed around and laughed at all over the world. This didn’t happen when I was president. This didn’t happen when I was president. In addition to all of our work, to hold Democrats accountable for their election fraud, which is massive, we must fight harder than ever before to win a colossal victory for America first Republicans, next year we have to, but again, you have to solve this problem.

我们要拼命工作。但你必须解决这个问题。必须解决这个问题。我们必须夺回众议院。我们必须夺回参议院。各州的立法机构。我们上次选举做得很好。以及全国各地的州长官邸。去年,共和党人取得了巨大的进展。我从这些人那里得不到信任。 None. I made 58 phone calls, 58. They’re called teleconference calls. Everybody I made it to did so great. I was responsible for getting these people elected. In the House, we were expected to lose 25 to 35 seats. And instead of losing 25 to 35 seats, we lost for the first time in many decades, zero seats.

事实上,我们惊人地增加了16个席位。而在参议院,如果没有我的参与,现在民主党将以60比40领先。没人喜欢谈论这个。我们在选举中度过了一个令人难以置信的夜晚。我们在选举中表现很好。他们喜欢说,我告诉你,这里有一位先生,一位议员,他说,谢谢。我也爱你。他说,“先生,我已经准备好输掉选举了,”你认识的人。我不认识他。我第一次和他说话。 He said, “I was prepared to lose my election. Two months before, I was prepared. Then I went to one of your rallies. And I saw the level of enthusiasm with thousands of people unable to get in. 42,000 people, thousands unable to get in.

我看到了他们的热情,但我已经做好了充分的准备。我以为我要输了。“他在那里待了很长时间。然后他说:“在选举的前一天晚上,我和妻子走到外面。到处都是川普的标志,川普,川普,到处都是。选特朗普,特朗普·彭斯。他们有特朗普·彭斯和特朗普,但他们有所有这些标志,他们有美国国旗,每个人都疯了。我说,亲爱的,我想我会赢得选举。“第二天,先生,我赢得了选举,我以很大的优势赢得了我的选区。你失去了我的选区。 And there was no way that I got more votes than you. You got far more votes than I did, sir. There’s no way possible. And I said to my wife, ‘This election is rigged.'”





今天和我们在一起的是几位竞选明年击败马克·凯利的共和党候选人。如果你在的话,请站起来。布莱克·马斯特斯,布莱克在哪?布莱克,谢谢你。谢谢你,布莱克,很好,你做得很好。吉姆·雷曼,吉姆。谢谢你,吉姆。伟大的工作。谢谢你,吉姆。米克·麦奎尔将军。 General, thank you very much. Thank you, General. Also with us, are Arizona’s gubernatorial candidates, Matt Salmon. Hi Matt. Kari Lake. Whoa. Wow. This could be a big night for you. Thank you very much, Kari. Good job. Steve Gaynor. Steve. Thank you, Steve. And state treasurer Kimberly Yee. Thank you, Kimberley. I have to tell you, maybe the most pleasure I’ll get out of any introductions tonight because these guys are warriors. They are warriors. They love your state. They love this country. We’re thrilled to be joined by several of our really best people in Congress. They happen to reside in a place called Arizona. First of all, Andy Biggs, where is Andy? Warrior. You’re so lucky to have these three guys. There are no games with these three guys. Paul Gosar, Paul. Paul. Incredible. And a woman that I have fallen in love with and the first lady is very upset about it. She is incredible. What she did during the impeachment, especially the impeachment hoax number one, she made a name for herself. She didn’t do it for herself. She did it for this country. Debbie Lesko, Debbie.

太好了。黛比。这是三个很棒的人。我说:“我们有我们的星星了吗?“是的,先生。他们在这儿。”他们不会错过的。”但我很感激。你真的是。你们是战士,你们热爱这个国家。谢谢你!当我们共和党赢得巨大胜利,夺回对国会的控制权,并真正夺回对我们国家的控制权时,我们将阻止拜登激进的议程。 By the way, remember, I used to say, it’s going to be worse? It’s not him. I really don’t believe. But remember I used to say it was going to be worse? Bernie Sanders can not believe what’s happening. He’s the happiest guy, he said, “I never knew this was going to happen.” Is that right, Paul? He said, “I never knew this was going to happen.” He can’t believe it. This is so much more radical. They never talked about this. They never talked about closing up the pipeline the following day. He talked about, “We’re going to study it. We’re going to look at it.”

不,是他做的,得到了一些选票,然后他就搞定了。那Keystone输油管道的工会呢?那个支持拜登的工会呢?我说,“你知道你会被搞砸的,”但他们一直支持民主党,但你知道吗?选民们站在我这边。选民们支持我和工人们。工人们和我在一起,和我们在一起,我们将阻止联邦政府接管选举,停止民主党对选民身份的攻击。你看到虚假信息运动了吗?前几天他们做了一个民意调查,显示选民身份证,安迪,是88%吗,包括民主党人,是88%。每个人都想要选民身份证。 Who doesn’t want it? You go to the grocery store, you give a picture, do anything you do. You give a picture. Voter ID is at 88%. So here’s their line, all of a sudden, we don’t want a voter ID. Then one day they pass it on and the press plays along. We’ve always wanted voter ID. We’ve always wanted it. It’s the Republicans who don’t want it. Think of this.

他们在撤资警察方面也有同样的做法。我们想撤资给警察。我们将撤资给警察。现在的犯罪率达到了历史最高水平。这些警察局已经被摧毁了。他们对待我们伟大的执法部门,我刚刚在后台遇到了他们中的很多人,非常糟糕,几乎没有尊重,但这是一件非常不受欢迎的事情。他们不知道。谁不知道呢?撤掉警察的资金。我告诉你,他们有优势,但他们在很多方面都很愚蠢,他们的政策太糟糕了。 So now they’re saying, you guys see that, “It was the Republicans that wanted to defund the police.” It’s just like Russia, Russia, Russia. They make up stuff. I watched that shifty shift go up to the microphone. ” It’s extremely important to save our country. President Trump is a paid employee of Russia.”

这是难以置信的。你知道他们说什么,如果他们一遍又一遍地说,一年之后,很多人都不会记得是谁想为警察辩护,是谁做的。他们不会记得选民身份证的,安迪。我们必须要小心。保罗,我们得小心点。黛比,你不会让这种事发生的。你不会放过它,但他们就是这么做的。你知道它叫什么吗?造谣。他们编了一大堆废话,一遍又一遍地说。 And one day you say, “Oh, who was the one that wanted to defund? I guess it was the Republicans.” The Republicans are against a very serious and a very sick enemy. We will end Joe Biden’s war on American energy and ensure that the United States remains the dominant energy superpower on earth. Can you imagine they’re out negotiated with OPEC again? We didn’t need OPEC. That’s why I was taking everybody out of the Middle East because we needed the Middle East for oil.

现在我们又需要中东的石油了。我们将打破大型科技垄断。我们将立即阻止乔·拜登制造的边境灾难。顺便说一下,我们会以抓和放结束。我结束了抓和放。你知道是什么吗?你抓住了一个罪犯,你用他的名字或者随便谁的名字,你用他的名字或者她的名字,然后把他们释放到我们的国家。你释放他们。我们做得稍微好一点。留在墨西哥。 We have stayed in Mexico. And we will restore our southern border. We want to remain, let them remain in Mexico. The people, they’re all over the United States, your border, and you’re getting hit hard, probably harder, much harder, but all over the country, you can go to Iowa. You can go to all over the country. They’re being hit and it’s a crime wave. Big crime wave is coming out of it. Go all over the country. And you’ll see you’re being hit. Right here in Arizona, Joe Biden has utterly demolished your border and cynically betrayed the people of the state because he never said he was going to do that. I told you he would. In May alone, border patrol encountered 540% more illegal migrants in the Tucson sector and 1500% more in Yuma than the same period when I was… Think of that, 1500% more in one year. Now that doesn’t mean as much as this for everyone you catch,, I think 10 come in. Some people say it’s five or six. Let’s say it’s 10. You’re talking about millions of people are coming into our country. We expedited removals and deported criminal aliens by the thousands. We took out MS-13 gang members by the tens of thousands, we got them out. Thousands and thousands of these absolute killers. And we built nearly 500 miles of beautiful border wall. The same wall that they wanted. I went with them.

我说:“我不想把反爬坡桨放在上面。”你知道你看到的上面的桨吗?我说:“我不喜欢。我不想要。”他们说:“先生,这是反爬坡的。”我说:“哦,这样的话,我喜欢。”他们还得刷墙,顺便说一句,这听起来不太适合做演讲。丘吉尔怎么可能做了一个伟大的演讲,却说你得刷墙?这是非常基本的。记得我以前说过什么吗? There were two things that will never get obsolete. Everything’s obsolete. You have a new computer, three days later, you read it’s obsolete. Two things. What are the two things? The wheel and the wall. We achieved the most secure border in US history. Biden’s open border policies have blown it all up in shreds so fast. And they’ve enriched the drug cartels, the child smugglers, the woman’s smugglers, and the vicious MS-13 gang members. They are making more money with human trafficking now and drugs, the sale of drugs, we had fentanyl down to the lowest it’s been in 15 years because it’s not just people. It’s the drugs that come across. We had it to the lowest. This drug is a killer. A small amount can kill a thousand people. A little amount can kill thousands of people. We had it to the lowest level it’s been in 15 years and it was going down and now he blew the thing up. And I used to say, it’s incompetence, but they must really want this to happen. Why wouldn’t they have finished the wall? It would have taken two months. What are they doing? What are they doing? This is not just a national security crisis. It’s truly a humanitarian catastrophe. Last month alone, the remains of 43 people were tragically discovered along the Arizona border.

只是你的边界。近100名移民儿童被发现被困在亚利桑那州炎热的沙漠中,他们被拜登的言论残酷地引诱到美国。他说:“大家请进,请进。”他们听到了,都开始走过来,我说:“你不能进来。你会被阻止的。”我们在那里有两万八千名墨西哥士兵。我对墨西哥的总统说,我很喜欢他,他也喜欢我。他的信仰不同。他是个社会主义者,但他是个伟大的绅士。我说:“总统先生,你必须阻止他们,因为我们正在建造这堵墙,他们正在进来。” And I worked out a deal. I said, “I will not put tariffs on the thousands and thousands of cars you send over on a daily basis, but you have to put 28,000 soldiers on our border free of charge.” And he said, “I will do that.” Now they’re gone. And now they’re all gone.


现在是2倍和3倍。在我们的运动中,我们相信纳税人的钱应该用来支持真正需要的美国人。你必须照顾好美国公民。看,我们都有一颗心。我和你的想法一样,我们都想帮助别人。但当你说,“来吧,来吧,来美国”,我们的国家负担不起。我们的系统正在崩溃。我们买不起。你就是买不起。整个世界。 This is in Mexico and Guatemala and Honduras and El Salvador. They’re coming in from Yemen. They’re coming in from all over the Middle East. They’re coming in from Haiti. Large numbers are coming in from Haiti. They’re coming in from all parts of Africa.



我说:“那不是真的。干的?”我以为没什么,只是个笑话。但我说,“这并不严重,对吧?”系统性的种族主义,请来调查美国。拜登政府的行为是对美国人民和我们国家的无耻侮辱。在世界历史上,美利坚合众国是世界上最公正、最善良的国家。我要告诉你,你的国家不会再存在太久了。你不会有一个国家。我总是说,我们可以做这个,我们可以做那个。 Three and a half years is a long time. Two years is all they need. They’re going to knock out the filibuster, you watch. I used to tell Mitch McConnell, you know what? You better knock out the filibuster and get everything approved, because they’re going to do it. “They will never do that, sir.”

他们为什么不这么做?因为这对美国不利。你觉得他们关心美国吗?他们不在乎。当他们第一天宣布他们将会成功的时候,你就拭目以待吧。两位参议员会做一个[听不清01:26:36]文件夹,你会有一个大问题,尤其是考虑到拜登造成的所有灾难。我们不应该向全世界道歉。我们在为美国道歉,就像奥巴马道歉一样。记住,他道歉了。他们应该为自己对美国的所作所为向美国道歉。 That’s who I think should be apologizing to.


你们还记得吗,我非常迅速地以一项非常强大的行政命令结束了它,但这一行政命令立即被激进左翼废除和终止。共和党控制的国会将撤资并彻底禁止它。他们要禁止它。他们会完成的。在国会作证时,参谋长联席会议主席马克·米莱实际上为CRT的教学辩护,这是一种马克思主义意识形态,对我们的军人来说。你能相信吗?这些士兵,他们是最棒的。他们听到这些东西,他们说,“我不敢相信我所听到的。”士兵们都这么说。他说他想要理解白人的愤怒。 He wants to understand white rage. What the hell is he talking about that for? Our generals should not be focused on learning left wing ideology. They should be focused on defeating America’s enemies and winning our future wars. Hopefully we don’t have them, but if we do, we have to win them.

我说了,就说了,随你怎么说。我任命马克·米莱的唯一原因是,世界上最被高估的两位将军詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)和约翰·凯利(John Kelly)无法忍受他,对他没有尊重,在任何情况下都不会推荐他。他们甚至想把他派去欧洲,这样他就得不到那份工作了。所以当他们不喜欢他的时候,我说:“让我们给他一个机会吧。”去年夏天,当暴乱者威胁要摧毁华盛顿特区时,米莱几乎恳求我不要派军队去阻止破坏。我正在考虑呢。这是一大步。叛乱法案,迈出了很大的一步,但我就快成功了,但他不想这么做。他不想这么做。我们为什么要做那样的事? After walking, and I did plenty, I signed a executive order on statues. You knock down any of us statues, you go to jail for 10 years and it all stopped. It was a miracle. Right, Andy? It all stopped. Paul, that was great. We stopped it.

当他们推倒雕像时,场面就变得疯狂起来。他们开始推倒亚伯拉罕·林肯的雕像。本来不会停止的,但我签了那份命令。我一签署命令,一件事都没发生。哪怕只是想把它拆掉也要判10年。一切都停止了,太神奇了。这是惊人的。在和我一起走到闷烧的教堂后,他们前一天试图烧毁教堂,烟仍然从里面冒出来。米莱卑躬屈膝地道歉,因为他向新闻界屈服了。他害怕新闻界。 And it was really in order to take off the pressure again, is what they do to these people is they come after them through the media, through every way they can. And they end up being weak people. All he had to do was say that I’m proud to walk with anyone representing the President of the United States, and people would have understood that. He apologized. And that was the end of him when he did that apology, that was the end of him, nothing to do with me. It’s the office that counts.


他们对保守派的声音做了什么,再说一次,他们说隐私,但他们有230条款,基本上给了他们豁免权,这让他们没有任何问题。我们不需要律师。所以一旦他们这样做了,他们就拥有了没有人拥有的权利,230条款,这个国家任何地方都没有其他公司拥有的权利,所以他们不再属于那一类。我们可以去追他们,看看会发生什么。但比大型科技公司更糟糕的是蹩脚的流媒体,它不再免费了。除了少数例外,他们完全腐败,是真正的人民公敌。这就是你能说的。你知道的。也许我看得更好,因为我们可以给他们一个如此准确和如此被证明的陈述。然后反过来写。 Whereas if you’re a carpenter, you’re an electrician, you’re a worker, you’re a lawyer, whatever you might do, you don’t know that. You just think that what you’re reading, they have the lowest rating right now, approval rating, in history, in the history of the rating business. They have their lowest rating, because people have gotten wise to them.

我认为,就遗产而言,我为我们能够做到的事情感到非常自豪。我为此感到非常自豪。没有人知道欺骗和腐败的程度。媒体不再报道新闻了。他们只会报道我们的坏消息,让事情变得更糟。他们报道不好的事情,结果更糟,报道好的事情,结果更好。他们让生活变得更好。如果对方有什么不好的地方,他们从来不愿意谈论。看看亨特·拜登。他们不想这么做,你看不出来。 They don’t want to talk about it.





克利夫兰印第安人队将改名,这个名字充满了历史和回忆。新名字将是克利夫兰守护者队,这太可怕了。克利夫兰印第安人队,如果我是印第安人,我会起诉的。起诉他们,印第安人。还有比这更好的吗?特别是如果你有一支优秀的球队,克利夫兰印第安人队,这是最伟大的名字之一。最不可思议的标志之一。人们喜欢它。俄亥俄州的人对改名的事都快疯了。克利夫兰守护者队,这是怎么回事? The insanity of the left knows no bounds. And both Indians and baseball fan should be greatly insulted. They want to take away our history, our heritage, our culture, and everything that holds us together.


可悲的是,我们国家正在发生的事情也同样发生在其他许多国家。我们正处于共产主义制度的开端。激进分子正在夺取政权,破坏我们作为美国人所珍视的一切,这正在发生。我说过会发生的。他们废除法治,审查言论,控制新闻自由,监禁政敌。你可以看到到处都是这样。看看这些年来我都经历了什么。当然,还会举行虚假的选举。最近有消息称,在富尔顿县的手工重新计票中,乔·拜登有几批选票支持他。拜登100票,特朗普0票。 I got nothing. I got nothing. Give me one vote. One vote.


看看他们在纽约都做了些什么。每天都有无辜的人在街上被殴打。人们在时代广场被枪杀。强奸和谋杀完全失控了。然而,左派人士、司法部长和地方检察官办公室如此努力地在做什么呢?这就是他们如此勤奋和热情地工作的事情,那就是拿下特朗普。他们竞选的目的是让特朗普上台。他们的竞选,我们要拿下小特。我们要拿下小特。他们不谈论谋杀犯。 They don’t talk about no cash bail. They don’t talk about all these dangerous people walking the streets so people are afraid to come to New York.



但你知道吗?病毒传入后,我甚至都没提过贸易协定。这对我来说毫无意义。这对我来说毫无意义。为我们国家发生的事感到难过。这就是发生在世界上的事。这么多人死亡,受了重伤,他们必须付出代价。我们相信低税收,低监管,释放美国的能源独立,我们必须在能源方面拥有独立。想想他们在做什么。想想他们在做什么。 Look at what’s happening at the pump. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. It’s going up at a record pace, and you’re going to be at $7 or $8 or $9 a gallon, and putting American jobs before the interests of foreign corporations. We believe in ending the endless foreign wars, rebuilding our military, supporting our warriors, taking care of our great veterans and bringing our troops back home, where they belong. Where they belong.

如你所知,我开始撤离阿富汗。我认为他不可能阻止它,但这是完全不同的事情。我告诉了塔利班,我和他们的领导人谈过了。我说,我们叫他穆罕默德吧。我说:“穆罕默德,我们要走了,我们要好好相处。但以防万一,无论出于什么原因,你决定对我们的国家做一些可怕的事情,或者超出正常范围,“因为他们已经战斗了一千年,“在你的国家,我们会回来,我们会比任何国家都更严厉地打击你。”我告诉了他。这是一次电话交谈,有好几次。我说:“我们会相处得很好,但我必须声明一下。我们对你们的打击会比任何国家都要大。” And he’s a rough guy. This guy has been fighting from the time he’s two years old. That’s what they do. They fight. That’s what they do. They fight. Russia did very poorly against them. Russia is Russia now, not the Soviet Union because of Afghanistan. Afghanistan. So they fight. I said, “We’re going to come back and hit you harder. Do you understand?” He goes, “Huh?”






感谢全国各地忠诚的公民,这比我们的对手所能想象的要伟大得多。我们到了。我们拥有绝大多数人,我们比他们强大得多,比他们强大得多。我们比他们强大得多,因为与他们的议程不同,我们的运动不是由控制和统治他人的欲望驱动的。我们的运动是由对美国的爱和对美国人民的坚定信念推动的。我有这种信念,你也有这种信念。我们不是为社会主义、共产主义而战。我们不是为奴役而战。我们为上帝而战,为国家而战,为自由而战。在我们的血脉中,我们知道我们美国的遗产是一代又一代爱国者传给我们的,他们付出了他们的一切,他们的汗水,他们的血液,甚至他们的生命,把美国建设成为世界历史上最强大的国家。 And we are not going to let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left, Marxist maniacs.


2022年中期选举是竞选的下一阶段,我们不会就此止步。我们将继续前进,直到我们让美国再次伟大。在你们的帮助下,我们将夺回众议院。我们将夺回参议院,我们将夺回美丽、华丽的白宫。我们将夺回我们的国家。因此,通过共同努力,我们将使美国再次强大起来。谢谢你!谢谢你!整个国家都在看,整个国家都在看你做了什么。谢谢你! We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again, and we will make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you to Turning Point. Thank you.

