
唐纳德·特朗普,南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿集会记录- 2020年2月28日

牧师;博客;成绩单;特朗普集会记录;唐纳德·特朗普,南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿集会记录- 2020年2月28日





谢谢你!谢谢你!谢谢你!我只能说假新闻就是不懂,不是吗?他们不明白。他们就是不明白。你好,查尔斯顿,我很激动能回到伟大的南卡罗来纳州,与成千上万勤劳的美国爱国者们在一起,他们相信信仰、家庭、上帝和国家。谢谢你!这是一个惊人的人群,只是外面没有进来的人数更多。如果有人想让出自己的位置或座位,请举手。 All right. Then let’s begin, right? Thank you all very much though. This is great. No, they don’t get it. Down the road, they have a rally for one of the people that are going to be running tomorrow. They’re trying to get to a hundred, but they’re not going to make it. So I think they’re going to set up a round table. Well, that’s what they do. So people want to go to a rally, they end up sitting at a round table talking about their definition of impeachment. Crazy.

不,这太疯狂了。疯了!这是一笔疯狂的交易。不,是假新闻媒体,他们多年来一直在试图弄清楚这件事。但他们还是不明白。他们不明白。看看这些摄像头。看看这些摄像头。那可是很多摄像头啊。林赛和蒂姆有很多摄像头他们听说你们在这里 They heard Tim was here and that Lindsey was here and that… And they said, “We’re not going to attend that rally,” but when we heard those two guys plus our great congressmen, they’re here, great congressmen. But this is an incredible time for our nation. We’re thrilled to be in the midst of what we call the Great American Comeback and that’s what it is. Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, factories are returning, poverty is plummeting, confidence is surging, and we have completely rebuilt the awesome power of the United States military. Our country is stronger than ever before.

我们变得更强大,我们变得更好,但当我们正在建设一个伟大的未来时,华盛顿的激进左翼民主党人正试图烧毁这一切。他们在过去的三年里,我甚至可以说得更远,从选举开始已经三年了,但我们在选举之前就开始了,致力于抹掉你们的选票,推翻我们的民主。但在你们的帮助下,我们揭露了极左的腐败,挫败了他们邪恶的阴谋,让我们看看未来几个月会发生什么。让我们看。让我们看看。非常不诚实的人。现在民主党人把冠状病毒政治化了,你知道吗?他们把冠状病毒政治化了我们完成了一项伟大的工作。你说,“特朗普总统怎么样?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

我的一个手下走过来对我说:“总统先生,他们试图在俄罗斯、俄罗斯、俄罗斯的问题上击败你。”结果不太好。他们做不到。他们尝试了弹劾骗局。这是一次完美的谈话。他们什么都试过了。他们试了一遍又一遍。你一进来他们就这么干了。一切都在转变。他们输了。 It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country and because of the fact that we went early. We went early, we could have had a lot more than that. We’re doing great. Our country is doing so great. We are so unified. We are so unified. The Republican party has never ever been unified like it is now. There has never been a movement in the history of our country like we have now. Never been a movement. So a statistic that we want to talk about, go ahead. Say USA. It’s okay. USA. So a number that nobody heard of, that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? 35,000, that’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000, it could be 27,000. They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die. And so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t and we are totally prepared. It doesn’t mean we won’t, but think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody and you wonder the press is in hysteria mode. CNN fake news and the camera just went off, the camera. The camera just went off. Turn it back on. Hey, by the way, hold it. Look at this, and honestly, all events are like this. It’s about us. It’s all about us. I wish they’d take the camera, show the arena please. They never do. They never do. They never do it. They never show the arena. You can hear it because when you hear it, that’s not 200 people. That’s not a hundred people. That’s thousands and thousands of people including people outside. You can hear it. They always show my face. See that face? They show my face. I want them to show the arena, not my face, right? How many have you been to? How many rallies have you gone?


几乎每一个。你能相信吗?我相信你们的丈夫们一定很激动,对吧?他们很兴奋。你今晚要去哪里?我要去参加另一场特朗普的集会酷。114号。你丈夫怎么看?上面这个基团。 She said, “We don’t care.” Thank you. Thank you. Democrats will only say horrible things even though they know we’re doing a great job. We’re doing a great job with what we have to work with. It’s incredible. The Democrats want us to fail so badly. Even if their actions, and you take a look, hurt the people of this country, they’ll hurt the people themselves, their wealth, their everything. They’re willing to hurt our country in order to say bad, even if they know it’s not so. We made an unbelievable deal with Mexico, with Canada, with China, with South Korea, with Japan. And if you put a microphone with these people back there like the Academy Awards used to be, not anymore. Best movie of the year. It’s made in South Korea. What’s that all about? I’m waiting to see the best movie of the year-


他说:“这是垃圾。”只有在南卡罗来纳你才能这么说。只有在南卡罗来纳。你会给我们带来麻烦的。不,我只是在重复他说的假新闻。不,但说真的,奥斯卡金像奖的收视率下降了很多很多。你知道为什么吗?因为他们开始攻击我们,我们不再相信它了。这就是为什么。没有,但他们有韩国制作的年度最佳电影。 They make enough stuff for us, right? And they’re good. They’re our friends. Take advantage of us, that’s okay. Not so much anymore. We are really, you take a look, magnificently organized with the best professionals in the world. We’re prepared for the absolute worst. You have to be prepared for the worst, but hopefully it will all amount to very little. That’s why I tell you when we have the flu with 35,000 people and this one we have to take it very, very seriously. That’s what we’re doing. We are preparing for the worst.

本届政府采取了现代历史上最积极的行动,防止这种疾病在美国蔓延。我们准备好了。我们准备好了。完全准备好了。1月31日,我下令暂停最近去过中国的外国人进入美国。民主党人大声批评和抗议,现在每个人都称赞我说,“非常感谢。你百分百正确。”这可能是完全不同的故事。但我说,让我们把事情做好。一种病毒从中国开始,流进世界各地的各个国家,在美国根本没有广泛传播,因为我和我的政府早期采取的行动违背了许多其他意愿,而民主党人的唯一观点,你看到了,是唐纳德·特朗普的错,对吗? It’s Donald Trump’s fault. No, just things that happened.

但你知道这说明了什么吗?事情发生。这是谁两周前想到的?谁能想到这是四周前发生的事?你不会。但是生活中会发生一些事情,你必须做好准备,你必须灵活,你必须能够走出去,得到它。我的朋友们,我们有世界上最好的专业人士,我们已经准备好了。与此同时,我发起了50多年来第一次联邦强制隔离。我们隔离了一些人他们很不高兴,他们对此很不高兴。 I want to tell you there are a lot of people that not so happy, but after two weeks they got happy. You know who got happy? The people around them got happy. That’s who got happy.

我还成立了一个白宫病毒工作组这是件大事,一个病毒特别小组。我申请了25亿美元,以确保我们拥有所需的资源。民主党人说:“这太可怕了。他做错了。他需要85亿,而不是25亿。”我以前从来没有吃过。我要两个半,他们要给我八个半,所以我说"我买了"这是不是说明我是个坏的…我买了。我买了。 I never had that before. I never had it. We want two and a half million. That’s plenty. We demand you take eight and a half. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. We want eight and a half. These people are crazy. We must understand that border security is also health security. And you’ve all seen the wall has gone up like magic. It’s gone up like magic. You think that was an easy one? That was not an easy one. It’s going up great and we’re up now 132 miles and this is the exact wall that border security, water, everything.

这就是他们想要的,已经132英里了。明年年初的某个时候,我们会建造500英里。其中一个原因是数据如此之好。我们将尽一切努力阻止感染者和感染者入境。我们别无选择。无论是我们谈论的病毒还是其他许多公共健康威胁,民主党的开放边境政策都是对所有美国人健康和福祉的直接威胁。现在你看到了冠状病毒,你看到了。你看冠状病毒。你看。当你有这种病毒或任何其他病毒或任何其他问题进入时,它不是唯一通过边境进入的东西。 And we’re setting records now at the border. We’re setting records. And now just using this, so important, right? So important. I’m doing well in the polls despite the worst fake news and worst presidential harassment in the history of the United States. We’ve got phenomenal numbers. No, it’s true. The worst presidential harassment in history.

昨天我们举办了一场很棒的活动,一场非常漂亮的活动,年轻的非裔美国领导人。我问他们的其中一件事,我一直在思考这个问题,还有伟大的人,伟大的人。他们中的一些人今晚就在现场。你喜欢非裔美国人还是黑人这个名字?他们说:“黑色!同时说。不,真的。我告诉你。因为你说,“非裔美国人还是黑人?”他们几乎立刻回答:“黑色。” But we had an incredible group of people and what happened is NBC… It was such a love fest. It was so incredible. It went on for 45 minutes. It was a love fest. It was incredible. NBC turned down… There they are right there. They turned down… Comcast, which owns NBC… Actually NBC, I think, we call it MSDNC, right? MSDNC. But NBC I think is worse than CNN. I actually do. And Comcast, a company that spends millions and millions of dollars on their image… I’ll do everything possible to destroy their image because they are terrible. They are terrible. They’re a terrible group of people.

他们多年来付给我一大笔钱买《学徒》他们付给我一大笔钱。当我离开这个节目的时候,它做得很好。当我离开这部剧的时候,14季,想想吧,他们得到了一个大电影明星。我不会告诉你他的名字。没有人会知道。事实上,没有人知道他的名字,因为他只上了很短的一段时间。但是在他们有了特朗普之后,这个节目很快就完蛋了。但是5年后的国家,你当然想要颠覆他们,5年、9年或13年。或者18年! 10 more years. Nah. Oh, they go crazy when you say it. When you say to them five more years, so it’s five, but you then say maybe nine, maybe 13, maybe 17, maybe 21, or not, maybe 21. Let’s do this. Let’s term limit ourselves at 25 years. No more than 25 years. No more. Okay. They’ll pass something in the Senate. Tim, pass it in the Senate with Lindsey, a 25 year term limit please.

不,我们想把工作做好。我们需要额外的五分钟来巩固一切。就像你种了一棵树,它需要一些时间来适应,对吧?这就是我们需要的。我们做了很多不可思议的事情。我们还可以做一些事情,但实际上我们已经做了比我们承诺要做的多得多的事情。如果你仔细想想[听不清00:22:07]当极左分子用这些卑鄙的骗局浪费美国的时间时,我们一直在消灭恐怖分子,创造就业机会,提高工资,制定公平的贸易协议,保护我们的边境,提高各种种族、宗教、肤色和信仰的公民的地位。仅上个月我们就增加了22.5万个工作岗位。自我们当选以来,这就创造了700万个就业岗位,700万个。 The unemployment rate in the great state of South Carolina. You ever hear of that place?

昏昏欲睡的乔会说:“伟大的俄亥俄州的失业率……”不,不。你在南卡罗来纳州。乔!乔,你在南卡罗来纳州。出现。你有没有见过一个人拿着纸条说:“不,不,是南卡罗来纳!它不是俄亥俄州。”好的。然后他说,“好吧,爱荷华州。你是说爱荷华州吗?” No. No. They did that seven times. If I did that once, it would be the end of the road, right? Be the end of the road. They’d say Trump has lost it. They like to say that anyway, I guess though. These people are bad people. Now, Sleepy Joe. Well, he’s running tomorrow. No, but could you imagine if I said just a small fraction of the mistakes he makes, which are unbelievable? Every speech. I actually said the other night, I was watching him when he said about half the population wiped out with guns. I said, “That’s a horrible thing. That’s the end of his evening. That’s the end of his political career.” And then after the debate, they’re revealing him and they said, “Joe Biden had a great night last night.” I don’t get it, Tim. The unemployment rate here in South Carolina has fallen to 2.3%, the lowest rate in your state’s history. The lowest rate in all of America. It’s the lowest rate in all of America. I said to a friend of mine, a Democrat, “How’s the race going tomorrow? Who’s going to win?” And he says, “Mr. President…” No, it’s very interesting. He said something. This guy’s a real political pro too, in all fairness, even though he’s a Democrat. But I said, “Who’s going to win?” He said, “Honestly, sir, it doesn’t matter. You are so far ahead in South Carolina that it’s meaningless.” Meaningless. That’s what they say. And in North Carolina too. In North Carolina.

我们已经摧毁了ISIS的领土。我们杀死了ISIS的创始人和领导人,巴格达迪已经死了。他死了!他死了!我们最近干掉了世界头号恐怖分子卡西姆·苏莱曼尼,永远结束了他邪恶的恐怖统治。但在我们不断赢得华盛顿的同时,民主党人也在不断失去理智。他们都疯了。我是说紧张的南希,哭泣的查克·舒默,哭泣的[听不清00:25:57],一群失败者。南卡罗来纳的好公民们在民主党候选人的极端主义面前坐到了前排。无论是这个角色,没有人听说过他。 I’d never heard it. I thought I knew all the wealthy people. This guy Tom, Mr. Impeachment, how did that work out, Tom Hey, he spent millions and millions of dollars in Iowa, right? Millions. He got less than 1%. He got one third of 1%. I wrote a little note. Did you see it? It said, “Tom, it’s not so easy doing what I did. Is it?” Not so easy. Not so easy.

你只需要问问小迈克。他在里面有一大笔钱。他真希望自己从来没有开始。迷你迈克,他希望他从来没有开始。他说:“好吧,特朗普可以做到。我也要这么做。”不幸的是,效果不太好。这是史上最糟糕的辩论吗?他们有很多观众。每个人都想看看他是否擅长我们在这里应该做的事情。 He turned out to be a total catastrophe. 35 million people, can you believe that? That’s a big audience. Very big. And what a killer. But this guy Steyer, he spends all this money. He’s not that wealthy. He spends all of this money and you shouldn’t waste your vote on him tomorrow. I have to be honest. By the way, are the Republicans allowed to vote anyway even though… Are you ready? You ready? Let’s do it together. I assume this is okay from a campaign finance standpoint, I assume. Lindsey, Tim, our great congressmen, are we allowed to do this? So am I allowed to request… First we-


所以我不知道这个场馆的上座率记录是多少,但我被告知我们打破了很多。还有外面的人。我们可以告诉他们我们希望他们投票给谁吗?因为你可以跳过。好吧,等一下,我们做个调查。我们这么做是为了那边的假新闻。准备好了吗?谁是我们的最佳人选?对他们来说不是。我们已经做好了准备。 Ready? So let’s go through them just quickly. We won’t include Steyer because he’s a loser. He’s out, okay? We won’t include him. Who would be the best? This is a real poll. This isn’t one of those fake polls taken by … In all fairness, I love you, Fox, taken by Fox, the worst pollster. This guy … this pollster hates Trump’s guts. I was losing the last election by a fortune. They said, “He did great with women.” Everything was wrong. And they never replaced this guy. But watch this. You ready?

首先,让我们说“瞌睡虫乔”,对吧?对吧?那我们就疯了,伯尼。那我们就去迷你迈克。我想他昏过去了。我们要不要把迷你迈克也包括进来?迷你迈克不见了。迷你迈克不见了。我想他已经走了。他没有机会了。 So let’s not talk … and he’s not in your election anyways, so let’s forget. So mini Mike, I hear mini Mike, by the way, has left. He’s basically given up. That’s what I hear. He gave up. He gave up. Now, I hope what I just said keeps him in. You know, he’s the kind of a guy, he’ll stay in because, “I don’t want to be wrong.” Mike, it’s time to go home. Go home, Mike, and enjoy your life. Go home and spend some money on something.



Klobuchar怎么样?不会发生的。所以我们真的只剩两个候选人了,对吧?昏昏欲睡的乔·拜登和疯狂的伯尼这是民意调查。我向你保证。他们和恨我一样恨我。他们会到处放这个。我们有一项由三万人参与的调查。他们在室外也这样做。 We have a poll. Are you ready?


换句话说,谁是两者中较弱的一方?我不关心谁做得更好。不,不。我没兴趣…等等。准备好了吗?换句话说,我想和谁竞选?意思很简单。我们用简单的语言表达出来。到底谁更容易打败?那么谁对我们更容易? Not me. For us to beat. Ready? Crazy Bernie? Or sleepy Joe? I don’t know. I think maybe a crazy Bernie has it a little bit. Once more just quick. Ready?


希望如此。希望如此。那么谁更容易打败,疯狂的伯尼还是昏昏欲睡的乔?他们认为伯尼更容易打败他们认为伯尼更容易打败所以无论是伯尼·桑德斯废除私人医疗的计划还是伊丽莎白·沃伦的计划我告诉过你,我身上的印第安血统比她多,尽管我一点也没有。我没有。零。我没有。 I have none. I said I have more Indian blood in me than she has. And she choked. She said, “I’m going to show. I’m going to show.” She hired this company and they went out and did a blood test. 1,024th, right? So that means I probably one somewhere down the line a million years ago.

我告诉你,那太可怕了。她哽咽。我们不希望一个人赢了就窒息。我们不想让艺术家窒息,对吧?关于我,你可以这么说,我不是个爱掐脖子的人。和这些人在一起这么多年了,他们一直在追杀我。我们不能戴颈链。作为你们的总统,我们不能有颈链。伊丽莎白·沃伦消除美国边界的计划。这就是她会做的,或者小迈克的计划,废除你们的第二修正案,没收你们的枪支。 How about that? Mini Mike wants to take away your guns. The insanity of the Democrat party is why millions of registered Democrat voters are joining our movement. They are joining our great new Republican party. This November, we are going to take back the House. We are going to hold the Senate, and we are going to keep the White House.

我想知道当他们走在路上看到这些200人的团体时会说什么。认真对待。我想知道他们怎么说。他们从不谈论这件事。他们会说,“乔·拜登今天有一群很棒的观众。”难以置信。太棒了,大概有五个人。他们离开的时候会说,“特朗普总统得到了一点掌声。”少数。他们经常用“浅薄”这个词。 This is not … let’s let them hear it. This is not a … this is a big … this is not a smattering. It’s not a smattering. Turn the cameras. That’s not a smattering. That is not a smattering.

我讨厌它。他们说唐纳德·特朗普,在印度,我不想这么说,但是他们有129000个座位的体育场。你看到了吗?这个地方挤满了人,他们比大多数人都做得好。他们给了我十万的贷款。这还不错。它是129。这个体育场能容纳100人。他们有一块三倍于…板球的场地。这是最大的体育场。 And they had 129. I was with the Prime Minister of India, Modi. Great guy, loved by the people of India. And we had an amazing thing. And I went in, and here’s the problem. This is a big crowd. And normally I like talking about my crowds because I get the crowds like nobody, but I just got back from 140 or 50 or 60,000 people and now I’m coming here. What does this place hold, 15? It’s hard to be enthused. You understand that?

去了印度之后,我可能再也不会对人群感到兴奋了。想想看,他们有15亿人口。我们有350人,所以我们做得很好,我告诉你,但我喜欢这群人,我也喜欢那群人。告诉你他们对…他们对…他们有一位伟大的领袖,他们对这个国家的人民有着深厚的爱。那真是一次值得的旅行。今晚在座的还有两位杰出的美国参议员。两位不可思议的朋友,两位勇士。参议员林赛·格雷厄姆和参议员蒂姆·斯科特,请到这里来。顺便说一下,蒂姆不可思议的妈妈就坐在前排。 As they’re doing that, they got this big … I was going to almost do a poll on the two of them, but we’re not doing that. But Lindsey is a true fighter for South Carolina. Loves your state. And as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee … you know that, right? He’s the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. So important. So important. Senator Graham has been leading the charge to help us confirm a record number of judges to uphold the Constitution as written. Lindsey was amazing, you remember, for Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Remember how badly he … Great job, Lindsey. Great job, man. Thank you.

斯科特参议员是一个超级明星。他是超级巨星。但在降低医疗成本方面,他是前所未有的领导者。人们不知道,但在去年,处方药价格51年来首次下降。而且没有民主党的帮助。如果有人帮忙,我们可以降低50%。但我们会得到他们的帮助。总有一天,他们会变聪明的。斯科特参议员为我们的退伍军人提供了世界级的照顾。他为我们的退伍军人所做的一切令人难以置信。 And bringing investment to distressed communities across our country through opportunity zones, including 135 right here in South Carolina. That’s what it is. Tim Scott came to my office with an idea. He said, “Opportunity zone.” I said, “Tim, what the hell is that?” What is it? Right, Tim?
















那真是一场精彩的表演,不是吗?这个房间里充满了爱。很多人对我说,我的朋友,他们都很成功。他们会说:“你怎么在两万五千人或一万人面前讲话?”你知道为什么吗?房间里充满了爱,很简单。不,这是真的。我解释说,他们不理解,因为他们不是那样做的,但我说房间里有令人难以置信的爱,很容易做到。非常容易。对吧? It’s sort of easy to do. We’re also thrilled to be joined by many more great leaders from across the state. And some of you maybe know I liked this guy for a long time, Governor Henry McMaster. Come up, Henry. Come up, Henry.





他们是非常勇敢的人。你知道,我们有国会荣誉勋章和总统自由勋章,它们都是最高奖项。一个是平民,一个是军人。我总是说,获得总统自由勋章的痛苦要小得多,因为当我读到它们时,我会读到詹姆斯或许多国会荣誉勋章,说实话,许多人已经不在人世了。我读过一些故事,其中一人最近在爬山,被枪击了19次,抓住四个人,把他们弄下来,上了直升机,从直升机上掉下来,在下山的路上撞到了一棵树。撞上一棵树。他们回去救了他,但他后来死了。我的意思是,这些都是艰难的交易。这些都是艰难的交易。这里有一个还活着的。 We have one right here who’s living. But they are tough. So thank you very much for being here. And maybe I could ask our governor, our great governor of this incredible state, to say a few words. Please, Henry.









非常感谢。艾伦在哪里?你儿子在这儿吗?你是个好儿子,司法部长?艾伦,非常感谢你。好好照顾他,好吗?谢谢你!谢谢你,艾伦。感谢全美国的共和党人。我们现在正在做的事情,以前没人认为是可能的。 Since my election, over 121,000 new jobs have been created right here in South Carolina. We’ve lifted 10 million people off welfare, including 7 million off of food stamps. And that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. They’re working and they have great jobs and they love getting up in the morning and they’re making much more money and it costs our country nothing. We make money, they pay taxes. It’s a whole different deal.


几十年来,民主党政客背叛了非裔美国人。他们强迫自己的孩子进入不合格的学校。他们把工作转移到国外。他们推行不公平的量刑政策。你知道爱丽丝的事吗?你认识爱丽丝吗?他们更青睐非法移民,而不是自己的选民。你知道的。这种情况已经持续了很长时间。本届政府正在扭转这些失败的政策,为非裔美国人带来创纪录的进步。 We are going to compete for every single vote in 2020, and we expect to win a historic share of the black vote come election day. We are supporting working families by fighting paid … we got something that nobody thought could happen: Paid family leave. Reducing the cost of childcare and giving 40 million American families an average of $2,200 more in their pocket thanks to the Republican Child Tax Credit. Republican, not Democrat. We are reversing decades of calamitous trade policies that decimated manufacturing all across your state and all across our country. For years, politicians sold you out to global special interests, enriching other countries at your expense. That ended. That ended. But I am not the president of the globe. I don’t want to be the president of the world. I am the president of the United States of America.








顺便说一句,如果你还没听说,它正在建造中。你知道的。他们会发疯的。他们会发疯的。他们以为抓到我了。他们说:“好吧。”你最近听说过吗?“好吧。他在修墙。”你以为我有一个完整的政党,一个深层国家集团和一些从不支持特朗普的人,搞到那么多钱建一堵墙很容易吗? They’re a dying breed though. The good thing, they’re on respirator. They’re on respirator. They’re on mouth to mouth resuscitation. You can do it. I’m not doing it. They’re on mouth to mouth resuscitation, the never-Trumpers. But you think it’s easy. It’s not. But that’s been built. But you know what they say now. “Okay. He’s building the wall, but Mexico’s not paying for it.” Yes they are, actually. They are. They are. They are paying for it.

一些假新闻知道这一点,但他们拒绝报道,但这没关系。你会看到。你会看到发生了什么。我要感谢墨西哥,因为,顺便说一下,现在他们有27,000名士兵在我们的边境保护我们的边境。我们有墨西哥保护我们的边境。他们只为特朗普这样做。他们可不会对昏昏欲睡的乔这么做。他们不会为疯狂的伯尼这么做。他们不会为了小迈克这么做,这是肯定的。他们这么做只是为了小特,对吧? 27,000 soldiers protecting our border. In this region …

保护我们边境的一千名士兵仅在去年这个地区,移民和海关执法局就受到了非常恶劣的对待,对吧?他们很棒。他们是勇敢的。他们艰难的。男人吗?这里有很多硬汉,但有人想当海关执法局的官员吗?这很艰难,对吧?它们会进入这些巢穴。他们称之为巢。 That’s where these guys get together and they knock the hell. I mean, if they have to … I have to be very careful. I don’t want to get them in trouble, because the press wants us to be very politically correct. So let me change it around. They go into a nest of MS13, and they say, “Oh, hello gentlemen. How are you?” On occasion, they have a fight. They never lose those fights. We need people like that. “Hello gentleman. How are you? How many people did you kill last year? How many people did you get kill last year with a knife,” because they like knives because it’s more painful. This is the kind of people that we were letting into our country. ICE has taken them out of our country by the thousands. By the thousands.


然而,民主党候选人反对所有对非法移民的拘留。他们想要不受约束的捕获和释放。我们已经结束了这个项目。这并不容易。我们必须上法庭。一切都是法庭。一切都是套装。我们什么都做。我们向右转,他们就告我们。我们向左拐,他们就告我们。 We win. But we’re winning. We have 218 judges now. It’s good. Let me just preface that by saying I know they give fair opinions. It bears no relationship to who appoints them, but I never win with an Obama appointed judge ever. I don’t win. No, we have great judges going onto the courts. Great judges. They’re fair judges. They’re judges that truly love our constitution. It’s great.


他们甚至都不想上报。“我不知道。我没看到多少。”他们一直在说病毒“哦,病毒。特朗普干得好吗?哦,我不这么认为。哎呀,我可不这么认为。”舒默:“我不认为他做得很好。”这家伙不知道他还活着。 Oh, what bad people. Republicans believe America should be a sanctuary for law abiding Americans, not for criminal aliens.

由于我们为确保边境安全所做的不懈努力,自去年春天以来,我们已将非法越境人数减少了惊人的75%,而且我们永久地结束了“抓放”。你知道什么是接住释放吗?我们抓住他们,抓住他们。我们说,“能告诉我们你的地址吗?“地址?我不知道地址是什么鬼东西?”他们没有地址。“能给我们一个号码吗?”你有电话吗?我们能不能打电话给你的母亲或父亲,说四年后你必须到法庭来。”他们所做的就是抓住他,他们得到一些信息,这个人不知道他住在哪里,这是很多情况下的事情之一,然后释放。 We release him into our country. We don’t do that anymore. If you knew what it took …

我们抓住他们,获取一些信息,释放他们,然后说:“请在四年后回来接受审判。”大约2%的人回来了,他们是我见过的最愚蠢的人。2%.没有人回来。这很疯狂,但我们要有所改变。这太容易了。他们称之为漏洞。漏洞。光是这个词,他们就称之为漏洞。如果我们有一些民主党人的支持,事情就容易多了。 We don’t have any Democrat support. They want open borders. They don’t care about crime. Border Patrol has seized the largest amount of deadly narcotics ever in the history of our country this last year. We have deported record numbers of gang members. We are building the wall faster than ever, and we will soon be rebuilding more than one mile a day.

华盛顿的民主党人从未如此极端过。132名国会民主党人签署了伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的医保接管计划。他们想要剥夺你的医保而华盛顿的民主党人正试图破坏你们的医疗保健和社会保障。这就是将要发生的事情。我的政府正在保护你们的社会保障,你们的医疗保险,并为给你们提供良好的医疗保健而奋斗。我们在捍卫你保留医生和你选择的计划的权利。还记得奥巴马总统曾说过:“你可以保留你的医生。你可以保留你的计划。28次。他说:“你可以保留你的医生,你可以保留你的计划。” Well, he lied. We should impeach him. We should impeach him for that. He lied 28 times. “You’ll keep your doctor, keep your plan. It’s wonderful. Great.” Went through the roof. We’re doing a great job.



希望在这个伟大的舞台上没有人需要它,但我们已经通过了一些他们认为不可能发生的事情:尝试的伟大权利。你知道那是什么吗?如果你得了绝症,你可以去世界各地。如果你没有钱,你就做不到。你回家就会死。你得了绝症。他们去了世界各地。如果他们有钱,他们就去亚洲,去欧洲。他们搜索。我们有世界上最伟大的医生,世界上最伟大的实验室,世界上最伟大的技术人员,我们有针对不同问题的药物管道。 Now, you sign a piece of paper. We’re not going to hold anybody liable. You get to use that drug, and the results have been unbelievable. Unbelievable.


我们正在与阿片类药物流行作斗争。药物过量死亡人数近32年来首次下降。我们已经发起了抗击肾脏疾病的新举措,这是一件大事。肾脏疾病是如此的棘手,以至于人们真的会因为它的工作量太大而死亡。他们死于过度劳累。这太疯狂了。理论上,他们可以维持很长一段时间,但是工作,透析和所有他们必须做的事情。我们所做的事情让这一切变得简单多了,能参与其中我感到非常荣幸。另外,在阿尔茨海默氏症方面,我们也取得了长足的进步。这真的是一件很棒的事情。 Great thing.


共和党人正在为来自各种背景、各个社区和各行各业的公民而战。我们是一个充满无限乐观、兴奋、活力和热情的政党。我们是一个大帐篷。我们是一个大聚会。我们是一个拥有远大未来构想的政党。这就是它的位置。这就是它的位置。这不是以前的共和党。这是一个包容性很强的聚会。这是个很棒的聚会。 Republicans are proudly fighting for nationwide school choice, including right here in South Carolina. We want to give school choice to every child in America who needs it, from kindergarten to 12th grade, because no parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school.

我通过了刑事司法改革,给刑满释放人员第二次生命的机会。这是件大事。除了共和党,谁也做不到这一点。他们来找我,一群人,他们想要刑事司法改革。我对这个问题不太确定,但我们有很多伟大的共和党人,非常支持它,包括今天碰巧在这里的人。我开始研究这个问题,在这个问题上努力工作,以及刑事司法改革。你看到爱丽丝·约翰逊出狱了。22年。她还能活20年。想想看。 For a phone call. For a phone call. A great woman, but we have many people coming out that shouldn’t be there for anywhere near those terms. Not for those terms.

但他们来找我了,一群人。一群人来了。范·琼斯,他来了。“哦,谢谢你,先生。”他们需要四个参议员。他们需要帮助。我给琳赛和所有人都打了电话。我给蒂姆打了电话,他什么都做得很好。我给每个人都打了电话。他们需要四到五名参议员,他们还需要帮助解决一些没有朝着正确方向发展的问题。我给了他们,我得到了,这并不容易。 We get criminal justice reform, and then I signed it. Then this Van Jones has a program that gets no ratings absolutely at all. They say, “Van Jones wants to thank everybody for criminal justice reform.” I called our great first lady over. I said, “Darling, please take a look. It’s going to be so nice, because honestly, look, they couldn’t have done even close without me.” I got all these people together, got them done. It was impossible. Previous presidents couldn’t even think about it. They couldn’t even think about doing it, and they tried, although I don’t think they tried too hard, bur they could have never done it.

于是他站起来,开始说道:“我想感谢阿尔·夏普顿牧师。我认识阿尔的时候他很胖。他胖的时候看起来更好看。这是真的。他是为数不多的几个人之一,他胖的时候看起来更好看。他胖的时候看起来好多了。我得告诉他。我得解释一下,因为我很了解他。他会承认他非常尊重你们的总统,但他不能在电视上承认。”但他打电话来说,“我想带走阿尔·夏普顿牧师”,然后一个接一个地说出我从未听说过的人的名字。 My wife said, “Are they going to think about you, right? Are they going to think about you?” I said, “Darling, of course.” I said, “He’s saving me til the end, because I was by far.” It’s true. This is true, Tim. Lindsay, this is true.

我说:“他要把我留到最后。能被认可是我的荣幸,因为我没有得到足够的宣传。我还需要一点。”他说到最后没说出来,她看着我。她微微一笑。我觉得她在某种程度上喜欢它。但她还是微微一笑。她说:“那太糟糕了。”我说:“是的,它是。”然后他说:“我还有一件事要说。 We must get out this year and fight and vote against this President of the United States.” Can you believe that? It’s true? It’s a true story. Van Jones. These are just terrible that they could … I was a little embarrassed in front of our great first lady, but I’ll live through it somehow.

我承认了以色列真正的首都,并在耶路撒冷开设了美国大使馆。我们承认以色列对戈兰高地的主权,52年了。戈兰高地为之战斗了52年。我做到了,我做到了真正的首都,耶路撒冷,对吧?有多少总统承诺过?几十年来,每一位总统都承诺我们会这样做。他们从未这么做过。我做到了。我们做了很多。我们已经在美国军事上投资了2万亿多美元,包括今年在查尔斯顿联合基地、杰克逊堡和巴黎岛投资的1.5亿多美元。 We created the sixth branch of the American Armed Forces, the Space Force. We have another branch. 72 years. Not for 72 years, the Air Force, have they done a new branch. We did the Space Force.

当我第一次说的时候,所有人都以为我在开玩笑。我说:“我不是在开玩笑。”他们以为是漫画里的或者是未来电影里的。我说:“不,这都是空间问题。”几年后,人们会说:“我真不敢相信我们没有早点这么做。”我们需要一点远见。我们需要一点远见。你知道吗?我提到了太空部队。在这样的竞技场,它得到了最大的手之一,因为它就在那里。 That’s where it’s going, unfortunately, or fortunately. We needed it for defense. We needed it for offense. Sixth branch. 72 years. For years, we watched as your politicians apologize for America.


男人。我讲过沼泽。你从没告诉过我情况这么糟,伙计们。那个沼泽很糟糕。联邦调查局的高层里有黑警。你有很多肮脏的人,但你也有了不起的人在联邦调查局和其他地方,但我们正在抽干沼泽。我从没想过会这么肮脏,我们得到了很多人的帮助。在你们的帮助下,我们将使数以百万计的美国公民从依靠福利走向工作,从依赖走向独立,从贫困走向繁荣。这就是正在发生的事情。想想看。 From poverty to prosperity. Look at some of the stories that you have over there. Look at some of the incredible stories. Look at Tim Scott. Look at that incredible story. No, really. It’s an incredible story. Lindsay will say it.

我把99%的功劳都归功于蒂姆·斯科特的母亲。我做的事。我向你保证,蒂姆,没有什么游戏,对吧?你家里没有游戏。我们去工作吧,对吧?伟大的母亲。非常感谢。谢谢你!我们将共同选出一个共和党控制的国会,最终建立一个公平、安全、理智和合法的移民制度。我们将继续制定新的贸易协定,让更多的产品自豪地印上美丽的“美国制造”字样。 We will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, finding new cures for childhood cancer, infectious diseases like we’re working on right now, and ending the AIDS epidemic. Nobody thought this was possible in less now than nine years, and it should have been started before. We will end the AIDS epidemic. Who would have thought we could have done that?






今年是史上最好的一年,对吧?东南方向,这是你最好的一年,对吧?你们有一位伟大的州长,两位参议员,伟大的国会议员,这是你们经历过的最伟大的一年,但南卡罗来纳州的一些人有点厌倦了,我很惊讶地听到这个消息。听到这个我很惊讶。一些人召集了两位伟大的参议员,在市政厅开会,他们说:“斯科特参议员,林赛·格雷厄姆参议员,我们厌倦了胜利和南卡罗来纳。再也做不下去了。太多了。太多了。我们已经有好几年没有赢球了,这没什么。我们找不到工作。 We took it easy, but we just want you to go and see your friend, the president, and we want you to represent us. We want you to say, ‘Mr. President, South Carolina is tired of winning. We don’t want to win anymore. We are tired, sick, tired of winning.'”






