Jun 23, 2022

Bill Cosby Found Liable in Playboy Mansion Sexual Assault 6/22/22 Transcript

Bill Cosby Found Liable in Playboy Mansion Sexual Assault 6/22/22 Transcript
RevBlogTranscriptsBill CosbyBill Cosby Found Liable in Playboy Mansion Sexual Assault 6/22/22 Transcript

A civil jury found Bill Cosby liable for sexually assaulting Judy Huth when she was just 16 years old. Read the transcript here.

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Hello, everybody, and thank you for joining us. Almost exactly one year since Bill Cosby was released from prison, the disgraced comedian has been found liable of sexually abusing a teenage girl back in the 1970s. As Jim Ray reports, the verdict is the first time Cosby has been found civilly liable, and it is a stunning takedown of a man who’s been accused of misconduct by women for years.

Crowd: (00:24)

Crowd: (00:24)

Crowd: (00:24)

Jim Moret: (00:27)
Victory for a Bill Cosby accuser. A civil jury found Cosby sexually assaulted Judy Huth when she was just 16. It took Judy Huth 47 years to bring this case before a jury. And they found in her favor in just two days. Ms. Huth, I’m sure that you had to endure so much criticism. How can you bring this case so late? Does this give you vindication?

Judy Huth: (00:49)
You know, it really does. It’s been torture. It has. Just to be ripped apart, thrown under the bus, backed over. And this to me is such a big victory.

Jim Moret: (00:59)
Huth, now 64, says Cosby took her to this game room at the Playboy Mansion. After she emerged from the bathroom, she testified that Cosby exposed himself and forced her to perform a sex act.

Gloria Allred: (01:11)
She proved with the jury’s verdict that Mr. Cosby did sexually assault her when she was a minor.

Jim Moret: (01:20)
It does send a very loud message. What specifically do you think this says to Bill Cosby?

Gloria Allred: (01:24)
It went to trial and a jury took it seriously and found that you sexually assaulted a child.

Jim Moret: (01:31)
The jury in Santa Monica awarded Huth $500,000.

Andrew Wyatt: (01:36)
… with Gloria Allred today.

Crowd: (01:38)

Jim Moret: (01:39)
There were fireworks when Cosby spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt announced that the verdict was actually a victory for Cosby.

Andrew Wyatt: (01:46)
There was no win here.

Crowd: (01:47)
Bill Cosby’s guilty!

Andrew Wyatt: (01:47)
She would not be getting a dime with filing appeals.

Crowd: (01:52)
She doesn’t need a dime.

Andrew Wyatt: (01:54)
But you know what?

Crowd: (01:55)
She won already. Victory!

Andrew Wyatt: (01:55)
But you know what?

Jim Moret: (01:55)
He then turned his wrath on Huth’s attorney, Gloria Allred.

Andrew Wyatt: (01:58)
You’re going after a Black icon, a Black icon, our Black icon, Ms. Allred. Ms. Allred, our Black icon.

Jim Moret: (02:09)
Today he continued to claim the jury’s decision was a victory for Cosby because jurors decided against punitive damages that could have caused Cosby in excess of $15 million. In 2018, Cosby was sentenced to up to 10 years for indecent assault, but after serving two and a half years in state prison in Pennsylvania, his conviction was overturned. He was released last year.

This is not the end to Mr. Cosby’s legal challenges. At least one other accuser has filed her own civil case.

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